It seems there are three main possible thoughts in a spectrum of thoughts that would run through someone’s head when one first listens to these stories or at least these were the key ideas that ran through mine: 1st, its all a lie and made up: all of it or at least some of it (ie, a bunch of crap). 2nd, the authors were hallucinating, on drugs, sick, crazy, exaggerating, having a loss of oxygen to the brain or well intentioned but have some type of major temporal lobe and occipital lobe stimulation, such as a small tumor or stroke, that is causing them to hear things & hallucinate. 3rd option and one that does require a leap of faith for most: its all true.
Knowing the first author, personally for years even before I saw his video I noted below, made me go with #3 and I believe all Roy has said to be true; though I did entertain the various options for a split second in the medical tradition of scepticism.
For the second author, I have chosen to believe what he is saying and learn from the pearls he speaks about. It will sound super crazy to anyone who is not Christian, this is true. Even for most Christians it will be hard to believe.
However, my own research has made it clear to me that to dismiss the stories below and refuse to research the truth behind their statements and learn from them is even more crazy and a silly decision.
Years ago, when my wonderful employer who is originally from Columbia, South America (he has his own amazing story: baptized Jesus as a Catholic, became atheist as a peasant in Columbia; taught to hate the US as the evil empire in charge of all poverty in Columbia; decided to see this evil empire himself at at 17; came illegally thru Mexico as a wetback; worked horrid jobs in NJ & NYC; enlisted in the Navy; became a US citizen; went to medical school, ophthalmology residency & Georgetown Cornea Fellowship in DC & is the most patriotic man you will meet & has a beautiful office 10 min from my home & has been very generous to patient but is now a pantheist [ie, God is in your coffee cup]) offered me a very generous position working for him, I called a dear friend Roy Schoeman about my employer hoping to get some ideas of how to help him see the truth in a particular matters. I knew Roy would have some ideas.
I forgot about this for years until a friend from the wonderful Love Crucified community emailed me the below video.
The Concupiscense of the Eye
The Economy of the Tongue
Incidentally, I did actually follow Marino’s advice and asked our Lord to go ahead and make me mute if I cannot speak with love (actually used the exact words Marino suggest). A few days later, on Christmas day, I lost my voice completely. I had not remembered saying this prayer as I started to loose my voice until right before Christmas Day mass at 10:30am. All I could do is laugh at God’s humor. Thus I have not really talked not in 3 days: a first for me. Yes, it could be a coincidence…or it could be a blessed answer to prayers.