Yet, there are some studies linking Zinc oxide to Alzheimers and I am not sure how much Zinc Gluconium (the key ingredient in Cold Eeze) translates into Zinc oxide flowing through my brain. Am I putting myself at risk by taking excessive amounts of zince 4-5 times per year?
Each Cold Eeze has 13.3mg of Zinc Gluconium. The upper limit recommended of Zinc is 40mg. The Cold Eeze box says use every 2-4 hrs until symptoms subside. If we assume I take it every 2 hrs, which I have done in the past, even sleeping with one in my mouth, which I definitely do NOT recommend (but I was desperate to not get sick), then my total for a 24hr period is 159.6mg. This is excessive.
Here are some recent studies looking into the role of Zinc in Alzheimers.
For now the key is to avoid going over 40mg per day. But will Cold Eeze truly work for me in this way? That is only 3 Cold Eeze a day. I will find out, but I am suspicious I need more Zinc lozenges to fight a cold. I still follow the bone broth/chicken soup intake I recommended in a previous post.
And hot showers, massaging, etc. But will that be enough to fight a cold without excessive Cold Eeze?
To be continued.
Zinc ion rapidly induces toxic, off-pathway amyloid-β oligomers distinct from amyloid-β derived diffusible ligands in Alzheimer’s disease
Zn2+ promotes Aβ40 and Aβ42 oligomer formation
Zn2+ rapidly changes secondary structures of Aβ40 and Aβ42 and retains Aβ in a less β-conformation
ZnAβ40 and ZnAβ42 form oligomers that are less heterogeneous and possess higher hydrophobic-exposed surfaces than ADDLs
Low immunoreactivity of ZnAβ oligomers reveal distinct oligomeric structure
ZnAβ40 oligomers are structurally more disordered than Aβ40 fibrils
Removal of Zn2+ restores amyloid fibril formation with a faster kinetics and ZnAβ is unable to serve as fibrillization seeds
ZnAβ oligomers possess higher cytotoxicity than ADDLs
ZnAβ oligomers inhibit hippocampal LTP and increase microglial activation in wild-type mice
Materials and Methods
Aβ synthesis and preparation
ThT Assay
Dot blotting
Direct blue staining
Far-UV CD spectroscopy
Solid-state NMR
Aβ seeding assay
Cytotoxicity assay
Calcium influx assay
In vitro electrophysiology
Acute Aβ-injected mice models
Data Availability
Author Contributions
The study below is also interesting, but it does not mention the biggest concern of all: the role of Zinc excess in Alzheimers.
Plasma metals as potential biomarkers in dementia: a case–control study in patients with sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease Dementia Neurodegeneration Human plasma Metal biomarker Plasma-zinc levels
Materials and methods
Patient selection
Sample digestion
Metal measurements
Statistical methods
Results and discussion
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest
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Zinc for the common cold? Not for me

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