Dangers of Computers, Video Games, iPad, Electronic Devices: Start a Movement to GET Computers and Screens Out of all Schools!
Very few school have resisted the push to get computers and the latest technology into the classrooms. The ones that have resisted are being rewarded with long waiting lists as parents realize electronic devices in the schools is the worst idea ever for our kids.
Putting electronic devices in our schools has been a disastrous medical and social experiment. We are seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of increase rates of anxiety, depression, social bullying, video addiction, porn addiction, suicidal thoughts in our children. Also the rates of myopia, retinal detachment and even glaucoma from high myopia have started to increase internationally in younger people. Add on to this the rising risks of Computer Vision Syndrome with headaches, difficulty sleeping, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome. And of course now, the clear increased risk of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Death and Chronic Dry Eye Disease as a result which leads to chronic eye pain and misery.

I sometimes tell my young teenage patients and their parents (half joking), if you have an enemy give them your TV, video games and all electronic devices: guaranteed a painful existence. Of course you want to forgive your enemies and not have any. But if you had one, this would be the easiest way to make their lives miserable.
So why have we allowed computers into the classroom?
Because we wanted to stay ahead of the Chinese; because we wanted to stay at the top of the world technologically. But even the Chines and the whole world are feeling the epidemic problems caused by electronic devices.
We have a choice. We do not have to be like the Chinese to compete in the work force. Schools like the Heights in Maryland have done a great job educating the future generation of doctors, lawyers, teachers, fathers without allowing electronics on campus except for the computer programming division: which is limited to those teens who are older and can learn to look away periodically and blink frequently. It is very difficult to teach a young child how to do this. Screens are addictive and we know kids stop blinking and stare when they are on devices.
What can I do if my child is in a school with Computers?
1. Be sure to avoid using computers at home as well.
2. Teach them to look away.
3. Teach them to blink at least

The Danger of Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success
I do not understand why a centralized company would encourage teens to spend more time on the computer unless:
A. They want to make more money
B. They want to destroy children’s eye health.
I would discourage this practice. Parents need to band together and say enough is enough.
Analysis of blink rate patterns in normal subjects.
The present study measured the normal blink rate (BR) variations in relation to behavioral tasks in 150 healthy volunteers (70 males and 80 females; aged 35.9 +/- 17.9 years, range 5-87 years). The subjects were videotaped in a standard setting while performing three different tasks: resting quietly, reading a short passage, talking freely. The mean BR was computed during each task; the data were compared by means of analysis of variance and Student’s t tests. Mean BR at rest was 17 blinks/min, during conversation it increased to 26, and it was as low as 4.5 while reading. As compared with rest, BR decreased by -55.08% while reading (p < 1 x 10(-15)) and increased by 99.70% during conversation (p < 1 x 10(-9)). As compared with reading, BR increased during conversation by 577.8% (p < 1 x 10(-17). The distribution curves were highly reproducible in each task. The best curve fit was represented by a log-normal distribution, with the upper tail of each curve having a normal distribution. Eye color and eyeglass wearing did not influence BR. Women had higher BR than men just while reading. No age-related differences were found. The most common BR pattern was conversation > rest > reading, which occurred in 101 subjects (67.3%); 34 subjects (22.7%) had the pattern rest > conversation > reading; 12 (8.0%) had the pattern conversation > reading > rest. This study identified three normal behavioral BR patterns and showed that BR is more influenced by cognitive processes than by age, eye color, or local factors. The present findings provide a normal reference for the analysis of BR in movement disorders such as dystonia or tics.
2. PLoS One. 2017 May 3;12(5):e0176030. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0176030. eCollection 2017.
Looking at reality versus watching screens: Media professionalization effects on the spontaneous eyeblink rate.
This article explores whether there are differences in visual perception of narrative between theatrical performances and screens, and whether media professionalization affects visual perception. We created a live theatrical stimulus and three audio-visual stimuli (each one with a different video editing style) having the same narrative, and displayed them randomly to participants (20 media professionals and 20 non-media professionals). For media professionals, watching movies on screens evoked a significantly lower spontaneous blink rate (SBR) than looking at theatrical performances. Media professionals presented a substantially lower SBR than non-media professionals when watching screens, and more surprisingly, also when seeing reality. According to our results, media professionals pay higher attention to both screens and the real world than do non-media professionals.