Favorite Portable Humidifier

Favorite Portable Humidifier

Many of our dry eye patients have their worst symptoms when at the computer or at their work.
These portable humidifiers have been most loved by our patients. Please let me know if you have used them and your experience with these or with others you prefer. The PureGlo is a nice product, as you can use it in your car as well.
  Most patients with Dry Eyes feel much better when they are in a humid shower. Thus our goal is to safely replicate that environment 24hr a day. I tell patients to keep the AC/fan in the car pointed away from their eyes as this will dry out the tear film very quickly and make dry eye symptoms worse.

A portable humidifier combined with increased Omega 3 intake (2000-4000mg) per day, eyelid hygiene (warm/hot compresses on eyelids 2-3x/day), non-preserved artificial tears 4-8x/day usually helps most dry eye patients. If your symptoms do not improve with this, there are many more options:


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