This is a great question a wonderful patient asked me recently. The answer is that there are many ways to determine how many cells are in a milliliter of SVF with cell counters, but it is very difficult (outside of precise laboratory studies to my knowledge: see below **) to determine how many viable stem cells are actually present. Technology is almost there where automatic machines can give you such data, but they are still not readily available to doctors and their patients at this time (though I do have 2 calls into companies that are heading there…to see what the starting price tag is for such machines).
**See post
And search for “Isolation and Preparation of Adipose-derived Stem Cells.”
It is not easy to prove viability of adipose derived stem cells. There are many cell counters, but these count all cells in a sample.
So the question is:
Should patients seek SVF injections or deployments as is currently formulated in its various forms (knowing enzymatic methods have more viable stem cells over manual methods)
Risk further damage of tissue and decline of body function and wait for the technology to get better.
This is a very tough decision.
The technology is almost there, but there are not large scale, prospective randomized, double blinded studies to prove its use in every disease. And it is not cheap.
Why is that? Most feel it is because there are no drug companies involved that could do such a big study. They is no money for them if stem cells work as these cells are coming from inside the patient’s own body.
Many MDs are using the manual method without enzyme use, but this has been proven to yield less viable stem cells. It is easier, though, and cheaper and does work in many studies noted below in certain diseases.
Enzymatic methods of isolating SVF cells from adipose tissue are better and used by the Cell Surgical Network, for instance, but they are more costly and time consuming.
This is a very confusing and frustrating time for patients and surgeons. Doctors want to heal their patients and do no harm. Patients want a guaranteed cure. We are so close, but still not there yet and no guarantee can be given or promises even with the best, purest stem cell isolate.
The first, double blinded study with stem cell injections was done and published by the Mayo Clinic: see here for post.
The below information hopes to educate all patients of where we stand today on Stromal Vascular Fraction which is a more accessible way to inject a patient’s own stem cells into a diseased tissue.
For the dry eye issue, my plan is to use special, sterile filters to isolate out any further blood products and get further purity of the stem cell isolate.
All injection of SVF have risks. The biggest risk is the unknown. The second biggest risk is the risk of no improvement. The risk of infection, tumor growth, cancer appears to be very low if not zero in most situations. Still there is no 100% guarantee it will be a cure for the condition being treated.
Sandra Lora Cremers, MD, FACS
Below are 2 excellent articles about the status of SVF today.
The key points are:
Article 1:
1. The advantage of SVF over ADSCs is believed to be in two fundamental areas. Firstly, although similar in properties such as immunomodulation, anti-inflammatory, angiogenesis, and so forth, the distinctive, heterogeneous cellular composition of SVF may be responsible for the better therapeutic outcome observed in comparative animal studies [9–12].
Digestion of lipoaspirate is achieved by collagenase, and the presence of collagenase in the injectable product does not bode well with regulatory authorities such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [3]. Consequently, alternative methods are being explored with some encouraging outcomes [22–25].
The surge in clinical applications for ASCs increases the need for clear and reliable information about the efficiency, cost and safety of automated equipment and manual techniques which facilitate separation of the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) from adipose tissue. In clinical practice, adipose-derived stem cells are often not administered as a pure isolate but rather as one constituent of stromal vascular fraction, a heterogeneous mixture of cells resulting from the mechanical or enzymatic processing of aspirated adipose tissue. SVF contains a variety of cells including macrophages, various blood cells, pericytes, fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, vascular endothelial progenitors and adipose-derived stem cells (Yoshimura et al. 2006; Bourin et al. 2013; Han et al. 2010; McIntosh et al. 2006; Bonab et al. 2006; Yoshimura et al. 2009). Stromal vascular fraction is one component of the heterogeneous mixture of adipose tissue fragments, stromal tissue, blood and tumescent fluid which constitutes lipoaspirate. The ASC content of SVF varies substantially depending on the method employed, with reports from less than 1 % of cells to over 15 % (Table 1). SVF cells can be safely isolated, quantified and characterized at the point of care in approximately 90 min. This is a timeframe which permits isolation and treatment to occur in the same surgical procedure, that is, at the point of care.
Article 2:
Enzymatic methods
Here is what the rep said:
VP, Global Marketing and Business Development
Here is another automatic unit recommended in 2 papers below: waiting to hear from rep on cost.
The main drawback of many of these devices is the cost of operation. The closed, enzymatic systems can be very expensive, with some costing over $50,000 for the system. In addition to purchasing the device, many require single-use disposable kits which can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars for a single disposable kit in some cases. A mechanical system like the StromaCell offers the benefit of a closed sterile system and tends to be more affordable, but does not provide the superior yield afforded by the enzymatic systems such as the Cytori Celution system or the Tissue Genesis Icellator system. All of the systems mentioned here can be operated by a single trained technician at the point of care. The processing times vary between systems, with mechanical systems being in the 15–30 min range and the enzymatic systems ranging from about 60–90 min depending on the amount of tissue processed.
Despite a lack of reported clinical risk, in vitro studies have demonstrated potential oncological risks which clinicians should be cautious of when using SVF based therapies (Bertolini et al. 2012; Bielli et al. 2014). See full reference below.
These studies are also below and the 2014 study concludes:
“Preliminary data describe that SVF/ASCs enrichment did not show increased risk of new cancer or relapse compared with control group.”
Adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction in regenerative medicine: a brief review on biology and translation
Isolation of SVF
Enzymatic isolation of SVF
Non-enzymatic isolation of SVF
Automated devices for point-of-care isolation of SVF
Characterisation of SVF

The curious case of CD34
Current state in the clinic and laboratory
“Fat stem cell” therapies and regulatory scenario
Availability of data and materials
Authors’ contributions
Competing interests
Consent for publication
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Publisher’s Note
ADSC | Adipose-derived stem/stromal cell |
BADSC | Brown adipose-derived stem cell |
BAT | Brown adipose tissue |
BMMSC | Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal/stem cell |
CAL | Cell-assisted lipotransfer |
CD | Cluster of differentiation |
EC | Endothelial cell |
EPC | Endothelial precursor cell |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
HIF1 | Hypoxia inducible factor 1 |
HSC | Haematopoietic stem cell |
IFATS | International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science |
IL | Interleukin |
ISCT | International Society of Cellular Therapy |
ISSCR | International Society for Stem Cell Research |
MSC | Mesenchymal stem/stromal cell |
PDGF | Platelet-derived growth factor |
REGROW | Reliable and Effective Growth for Regenerative Health Options that Improve Wellness |
SVF | Stromal vascular fraction |
VEGF | Vascular endothelial growth factor |
VLS | Vulvar lichen sclerosus |
WAT | White adipose tissue |
Contributor Information
Mechanical versus enzymatic isolation of stromal vascular fraction cells from adipose tissue
Enzymatic methods
Mechanical isolation methods
Mechanical vs enzymatic methods
Automated/semi-automated devices for SVF isolation
Regulatory concerns
Authors’ contributions
Competing interests
Contributor Information
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