Lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system also known as the Lymphatic System.
- Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL or “Hodgkin’s Disease”)
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL): more than 30 types
Painless swelling of the lymph nodes, especially in the neck, chest and armpits- Feeling more tired than usual or generally unwell
Unexplained weight loss- Fever without signs of an infection
- Cough or feeling short of breath
Night sweats that soak the bedclothesItchy skin- Pain in the lymph nodes after drinking alcohol
- A history of infectious mononucleosis (“mono”)
- Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)
- Family history of Hodgkin lymphoma
- History of a stem cell transplant
B. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL): more than 30 types
Painless swelling of the lymph nodes, especially in the neck, chest and armpits- Feeling more tired than usual or generally unwell
Unexplained weight loss- Fever without signs of an infection
Night sweats that soak the bedclothes
Itchy skinDecreased appetite - Rash
- Infection with certain viruses such as
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or human T- lymphocytotropic virus (HTLV) - Prior treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy
- Infection with the helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) bacteria may increase risk of developing a type of lymphoma that affects the wall of the stomach
- Extended exposure to specific chemicals found in pesticides and fertilizers
- Weak immune system caused by:
- Drugs that suppress immunity
Autoimmune diseases - HIV/ AIDS
Here are some basic videos that may help you understand more about Lymphoma in general.
The leading lymphoma doctors in Washington DC area are noted below:
Greenebaum Cancer Center
22 South
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Phone number: 410-328-1230
Director: Maria R. Baer, M.D.
Board-certified lymphoma specialists:
Ashraf Badros, M.D.
Arnob Banerjee, M.D.
Ronald Gartenhaus, M.D.
Ivana Gojo, M.D.
Trishna Goswami, M.D.
Amy Kimball, M.D., Ph.D.
Douglas Ross, M.D., Ph.D.
Edward A. Sausville, M.D., Ph.D.
Saul Yanovich, M.D.
Young Kwok, M.D.
“We occasionally refer patients to specialists closer to home, but this is done on a case by case basis, usually after the patient has been seen in consult here.”
Johns Hopkins Oncology Center
Baltimore, MD
Richard Ambinder, M.D. (410) 955-8839
Baltimore, MD
Dan Longo, M.D. (410) 558-8110
Patricia Duffey, R.N. (410) 558-8541
University of Maryland Cancer Center
Baltimore, MD
Meyer Heyman, M.D. (800) 492-5538
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
3800 Reservoir Rd.
Washington, DC 20057
Phone number: 202-444-7932
Director: Bruce D. Cheson, M.D.
Board-certified lymphoma specialists:
Dr. Catherine Broome
Dr. Craig Kessler
“Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center is willing/able to provide lymphoma expert names for other geographic areas.”
Massey Cancer Center
401 College Street
Richmond, Virginia 23298
Phone number: 1-877-MASSEY
Director: Dr. Gordon D. Ginder
Board-certified lymphoma specialists:
Dr. Gordon D. Ginder
Dr. Prithvi Bose
Dr. Amir Toor
Dr. Harold Chung
Dr. William Clark
Will try to refer a patient to a lymphoma specialist close to where they live.
Full list below and reference:
Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment (PDQ®): Health Professional Version.
2015 Oct 1.
- General Information About Adult Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- Late Effects of Treatment for Adult NHL
- Cellular Classification of Adult NHL
- Indolent NHL
- Aggressive NHL
- Stage Information for Adult NHL
- Treatment Option Overview for Adult NHL
- Treatment for Indolent, Stage I and Contiguous Stage II Adult NHL
- Treatment for Indolent, Noncontiguous Stage II/III/IV Adult NHL
- Treatment for Indolent, Recurrent Adult NHL
- Treatment for Aggressive, Stage I and Contiguous Stage II Adult NHL
- Treatment for Aggressive, Noncontiguous Stage II/III/IV Adult NHL
- Treatment for Adult Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
- Treatment for Diffuse, Small Noncleaved-Cell/Burkitt Lymphoma
- Treatment for Aggressive, Recurrent Adult NHL
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma During Pregnancy
- Changes to This Summary (10/01/2015)
- About This PDQ Summary
- Get More Information From NCI
Thiotepa-based high-dose therapy for autologous stem cell transplantation in lymphoma: a retrospective study from the EBMT.
Author information
- 1Department of Medicine V, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
- 2Lymphoma Working Party, European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Paris, France.
- 3Department of Hematology, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France.
- 4University of Napoli, Napoli, Italy.
- 5University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.
- 6Department of Hematology, Azienda Ospedali Riuniti Villa Sofia-Cervello, Palermo, Italy.
- 7University Hospital Düsseldorf, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Clinical Immunology, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- 8Cardarelli Hospital, Napoli, Italy.
- 9Service d’Hématologie Clinique, Hôpital Robert Debré, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Reims, Reims, France.
- 10Department of Hematology and Oncology, Helios Hospital Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany.
- 11APHP, Hopital Saint-louis, Hemato-Oncology Paris Diderot University, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France.
- 12Hematology Department, Paoli Calmettes Institute, Marseille Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France.
- 13Department of Hematology, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany.
- 14Hematologie, Hospices Civils de Lyon and Université Claude Bernard Lyon-1, Pierre Bénite, France.
- 15LIRIC-U995, Hematology Department and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Unit, University-Hospital of Lille, Lille, France.
- 16Department of Hemato-Oncology, Faculty Hospital Olomouc and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- 17Hematology Department, Centre Leon Berard, Lyon, France.
- 18Hematology Unit, Arcispedale S Maria Nuova-IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
- 19Hematology Unit, Ospedale Civile, Piacenza, Italy.
- 20Hematology Unit, S Maria delle Croci Hospital, Ravenna, Italy.
- 21Institut Català d’Oncologia, Hospital Duran i Reynals, Barcelona, Spain.

Lymphoma Specialists – Referral List
1100 N. Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Tel: (734) 222-1100 | Fax: (734) 222-0044
44 Binney Street
Boston, MA 02115
Phone number: (617) 632-5138 – New patient coordinators
Philippe Armand, M.D.
Jennifer R. Brown, M.D., Ph.D.
George P. Canellos, M.D.
Arnold Freedman, D.D.
Eric D. Jacobsen, M.D.
Ann S. LaCasce, M.D.
Lawrence Shulman, M.D.
New Haven, CT
Vincent DeVita, M.D.
(203) 785-4370
New York, NY
Carol Portlock, M.D. (800) 525-2225 or (212) 639-8109
New York, NY
Morton Coleman, M.D. (212) 517-5900
Richard Silver, M.D. (212) 746-2098
Rochester, NY
Richard Fisher, M.D. (585) 275-5823
195 Little Albany Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone number: 732-235-8064
Roger K. Strair, M.D., Ph.D.
Joseph Aisner, M.D., Medical Oncologist
Arnold Rubin, M.D., Hematologist/Medical Oncologist
Dale Schaar, M.D., Ph.D., Hematologist/Medical Oncologist
1600 Penn Tower
3400 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone number: 215-615-5858 Option #2
Stephen Schuster, M.D.
Edward Stadtmauer, M.D.
Sunita Nasta, M.D.
Jakub Svoboda, M.D.
Donald Tsai, M.D.
Department of Medical Oncology
333 Cottman Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19111
Phone number: 215-728-6900
Adam Cohen, M.D.
Michael Millenson, M.D.
University of Maryland
22 South Greene Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Phone number: 410-328-1230
Ashraf Badros, M.D.
Arnob Banerjee, M.D.
Ronald Gartenhaus, M.D.
Ivana Gojo, M.D.
Trishna Goswami, M.D.
Amy Kimball, M.D., Ph.D.
Aaron Rapoport, M.D.
Douglas Ross, M.D., Ph.D.
Edward A. Sausville, M.D., Ph.D.
Saul Yanovich, M.D.
Young Kwok, M.D.
Baltimore, MD
Richard Ambinder, M.D. (410) 955-8839
Baltimore, MD
Dan Longo, M.D. (410) 558-8110
Patricia Duffey, R.N. (410) 558-8541
Baltimore, MD
Meyer Heyman, M.D. (800) 492-5538
3800 Reservoir Rd.
Washington, DC 20057
Phone number: 202-444-7932
Dr. Philip Cohen
Dr. Catherine Broome
Dr. Craig Kessler
Virginia Commonwealth University
401 College Street
Richmond, Virginia 23298
Phone number: 1-877-MASSEY
Dr. Gordon D. Ginder
Dr. Steven Grant
Dr. Prithvi Bose
Dr. Amir Toor
Dr. Harold Chung
Dr. William Clark
2220 Pierce Ave.
Nashville, TN 37232
Phone number: 877-936-8422 or 615-936-8422
Dr. John Greer
Dr. Nishitha Reddy
Todd Tenenholz, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Radiation Oncology. Phone number: 615-322-2555
Wake Forest University
Medical Center Boulevard
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157-1082
Phone number: 336-713-5433
Denise Levitan, M.D.
Seema Naik, M.D.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
450 West Drive
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27519
Phone number: 919-966-7782
Dr. Stephen Park
Kristy Richards
Belinda Gunn
Adult Hem/Onc Clinic
Phone: 919-966-7782
Fax: 919-843-5267
Initial correspondence with Belinda is done via fax.
Thomas C. Shea, M.D.
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplant Program
Phone: 919-966-7746
Assistant Professor
Division of Hematology and Oncology
1090 Genetic Medicine Building
Campus Box 7361
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7361
Phone: 919-966-0374
Assistant Professor
Division of Hematology and Oncology
170 Manning Drive, 3rd Floor
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7305
Phone: 919-843-5968
Fax: 919-966-6535
86 Jonathan Lucas Street
Charleston, South Carolina 29425
Phone number: Bonnie Boyce (843) 792-9300
Luciano Costa, M.D., Ph.D.
Robert Stuart, M.D.
Yubin Kang, M.D.
12902 Magnolia Drive
Tampa, Florida, 33612
Phone number:
813-745-1857 Ms. Tomaco Shellman – Lymphoma clinic appointments
813-745-8212 Ms. Gayle Behrle – Lymphoma administration
Lubomir Sokol, M.D., Ph.D.
Eduardo Sotomayor, M.D.
Celeste Bello, M.D.
Jennifer Cultrera M.D.
Benjamin Djulbegovic, M.D., Ph.D.
Salvador Bruno, M.D.
Paul Chervenick, M.D.
Javier Pinilla, M.D., Ph.D.
Simmons Cancer Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75390
Phone number: (214) 645-4673
Robert Collins, M.D.
Madhuri Vusirikala, M.D.
Larry Anderson, M.D., Ph.D.
Harris Naina, M.D.
Thomas Froehlich, M.D.
Amy Harker-Murray, M.D.
John Bagwell, M.D.
Jenny Li, M.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, Texas 77030
Phone number: 713-798-2500
Adult Lymphoma: Martha Mims M.D.
Pediatric lymphoma: Catherine Bollard M.D.
Lymphoma Special Program of Research Excellence: Helen Heslop M.D.
Baylor Clinic – Phone 713.798.2500
Board-certified lymphoma specialists:
Mark Udden M.D.
The Methodist Hospital – Phone 713 441 6250
Board-certified lymphoma specialists:
George Carrum M.D.
Carlos Ramos M.D.
Ram Kamble M.D.
Texas Children’s Cancer Center – Phone 832-822-4240 or 1-800-226-2379
Board-certified lymphoma specialists:
Kala Kamdar M.D.
Ken McClain M.D.
Texas Children’s Hospital – Phone 832-822-4240 or 1-800-CANCER9 (1-800-226-2379)
Board-certified lymphoma specialists:
Robert Krance M.D.
Alana Kennedy-Nasser M.D.
Lymphoma and Myeloma Center
Houston, TX
(713) 792-3510
4100 John R.
Detroit, MI 48201
Phone number: 1-800-527-6266
Charles A. Schiffer, M.D.
Radhakrishnan Ramchandren, M.D.
Melissa Runge-Morris, M.D.
Jeffrey Zonder, M.D.
Ann Arbor, MI
Mark Kaminski, M.D. (800) 211-8181; (734) 647-8915
Chicago, IL
Leo Gordon, M.D. (312) 695-0990
Department of Hematology/Oncology
535 Barnhill Drive, RT 400
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone number: 317-944-0920
Michael J. Robertson, M.D.
Jose Azar, M.D.
Shivani Srivastava, M.D.
All can be contacted at 317-944-0920
Minneapolis, MN
Bruce Peterson, M.D. (888) 256-9787; (612) 624-5631
Dan Weisdorf, M.D. (888) 256-9787; (612) 624-0123
Rochester, MN
Hematology/Oncology Dept. (507) 284-2111
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Phone numbers: Clinical care – 319-356-4200; Research – 319-353-8620
Dr. Brian Link
Dr. Lori Rosenstein
Dr. George Weiner
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, Wisconsin 53792
Phone numbers: Cancer Connect 608-262-5223; 1-800-622-8922
Kahl, Brad, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine (CHS)
Chang, Julie, M.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine (CHS)
Eppley Cancer Center
600 South 42nd Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68198
Phone number: 402-559-6500
James O. Armitage, M.D.
Philip J. Bierman, M.D.
R. Gregory Bociek, M.D.
Julie M. Vose, M.D.
Tucson, AZ
Thomas Miller, M.D. (520) 626-2900 or (502) 626-2667
1441 Eastlake Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Phone number: Division of Hematology (323) 865-3950 then option 6.
Ann F. Mohrbacher, M.D.; Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Vinod Pullarkat, M.D., Associate Professor and Clinical Director of the Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Program
Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine
Los Angeles, CA
Lawrence Piro, M.D. (800) 233-2771; (310) 582-7900
Michael Lill, M.D. (800) 233-2771; (310) 423-2997
Los Angeles, CA
Mary Territo, M.D. (310) 296-6909
John Glaspy, M.D. (310) 794-4955
Helen Diller Family Cancer Center
1450 3rd Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
Phone number for new lymphoma patients: 415-353-2051
Lawrence Kaplan
Wei Ai
Charalambos Andreadis
Lloyd Damon
Rebecca Olin
Palo Alto, CA
Saul Rosenberg, M.D. (650) 725-6455
Sandra Horning, M.D. (650) 725-6456
Ronald Levy, M.D. (650) 725-4971
La Jolla, CA
Allan Saven, M.D. (858) 455-9100
Seattle, WA
Frederick Appelbaum, M.D. (800) 804-8824; (206) 667-4412
Radiation Specialists
Division of Clinical Studies
National Cancer Institute
Bethesda, MD
University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center
Philadelphia, PA
Stanford University Medical Center
Stanford, CA
Dana-Farber Institute
Boston, MA
University of Florida College of Medicine
Gainesville, FL
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC
If you are a lymphoma patient who utilizes the services of any center or physician on this list, or have gone to a lymphoma specialist not on this list, we welcome your feedback about your experience. The list is compiled as a public service of the Lymphoma Foundation of America. No doctor or institution pays to be listed.
Main Office
1100 N. Main Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Tel: (734) 222-1100 | Fax: (734) 222-0044
Patient Hotline: 1-800-385-1060