Also, it might be a good idea to ask your eyeMD if you Demodex. Study below by Dr. Tseng seems to suggest it might be a risk factor for a recurrence of pterygium (2 cases he noted). Of note, though, he has a vested/financial interest in Tea Tree Oil as Cliradex.
Still, it does make sense that an inflammatory agent such as Demodex could cause the pterygium to grow back. Tea tree oil is relatively low cost & low risk. Future studies will need to be done to see if it is verifiably a risk factor for primary and recurrent pterygium.
Clinical treatment of ocular demodecosis by lid scrub with tea tree oil.
Natural Remedies for Pterygium
What is Pterygium?
Natural Remedies for Surfer’s Eye
Apple Cider Vinegar
Castor Oil
Activated Charcoal
User Reviews
Apple Cider Vinegar
06/10/2014: T Bird from Iowa replies: “Please update us in the next month or so. I am also experimenting with this method.”
[YEA] 08/01/2014: Kr from Us replies: “10-week update: It’s been about 2.5 months now since I started using ACV (with the mother) to get rid of my pterygium and am happy to report that it is steadily disappearing. I had a somewhat large one measured by length, width and even depth/height that went well into my cornea. I would say that it is currently at 1/4 the size it was when I started. I also started to use it in drops added directly to my eye. I use a ratio that is about three parts water to one part ACV and I put it in an empty visine container. I put it directly into my eye at first but it stung a little too much, so now I drop it on the crevice of my closed eyelids and let it seep through as I slowly open my eyes. I do this once every day. Good luck to everyone.”
04/27/2014: Mary from
Yutan , Ne replies: “To use apple cider vinegar & water the amounts are: 1 Tsp of ACV & 12 Oz’s of Distilled water. I would use organic ACV that has the mother in it. Make sure that you shake the bottle of ACV very thoroughly before measuring out the Tsp. Once you add it to the distiled water mix them together very thoroughly. Hope this helps anyone wanting to know the ratio mixture.”
06/10/2014: Bradley from
British Columbia replies: “How do you apply your ACV-distilled water mix to the pterygium safely and what amount and how often? Brad”
07/03/2014: Loly101 from New Hampshire replies: “I have a Pterygium in my right eye. I want it gone. I found this site and I will try the ACV. Today is the first day I am using the solution of 12 oz distilled water and 1 tsp of ACV. I will keep updating.”
07/04/2014: Angie from
South Pasadena, Ca replies: “I would like to know how many people the ACV treatment feel it burns or stinks and how many people say it doesn’t. Also, can someone please tell me how long it takes to work? Thanks.”
07/12/2014: Stefan from Ca, US replies: “Loly101, even though it’s only been a few days have you seen any results?
I’ve been trying this method off and on for about 6 months by emptying a visine tube, rinsing it out, and filling it with 95% water and the rest ACV and doing it up to 3 times a day. Yes Angie, it does sting very much especially if not diluted enough. But I’m really not seeing (no pun;) a difference in the size of my pterygium. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommend what works?
06/27/2013: Jirahgives from
Niles, Michigan replies: “What ratio water to apple cider vinegar did you use, and for how long? I accidentally discovered that ACV diluted with water got rid of my pink eye which I get every year when spring comes and I get allergies which lead to infections. I was tired of getting torn epithilium in my eye, from aggressive rubbing. Year after year of eye antibiotics also were starting to get old. One time I was broke and couldnt go in to be seen for the eyes. I just randomly diluted ACV with water, about 1/8 ACV to 7/8 water. The urge to scratch went away instantly. After 2 days the eyes had cleared back to normal. So I totally believe you when you say it worked for your pterygia. I have them on both eyes and I am so going to the supermarket to replenish my ACV. Thanks for sharing.”
08/10/2013: Beatriz from
Houston, Tx replies: “Do you applyApple Cider Vinegar directly into the eye? Do you add more water than vinegar? My brother has developed tissue on his left eye and is bothering him. And, the Dr. prescribed him steroid eye drops. If the treatment does not work, then surgery is the next option. Please reply ASAP.”
09/04/2013: Steenie from Florida replies: “I would like to try this… As ACV is likely the only thing that won’t hurt my uveitis… I keep hearing ‘use wool’, did you find this was necessary in this treatment?… Is cotton wool just cotton, like a flannel?… Otherwise, I cannot use actual wool, as it would also create uveitic reaction…”
09/19/2013: Johjan from United Arabs Emirates replies: “Hello to everyone! Im Jang, I have also pterygium in my right eye about ACV, I just bought heinz AVC is it ok. I use this product and how many days should I stop using AVC for my pterygium and does AVC does not affect my sight? Hope you answer my questions coz I really want to get rid my pterygium, thanks a lot for sharing us this topics”
09/30/2013: Osider from Oceanside, Ca. replies: “I’m contacting re: the topic of pterygiums. I’ve had two growing for over 10 years now, one in each eye. The right eye perigium is small, but my left eye has been growing and entering the cornea area. I have looked into surgery but came across your information online here and started using apple cider vinger.
My question is re: the application. I am currently using 4 to 1 water to apple cider vinager and putting it in an emptied out/cleaned out visine container and applying a few drops a day morning and evening. Is this okay vs. The cotton swab? If so, how long should I repeat this for to see effective change? Thank You.”
01/06/2014: Maricar from
Philippines replies: “How do you apply the apple cider Vinegar to your eyes? how much water required on it? could you please give us the full detail how will do it? so that we can also try it at home. so much interested on it, also wanted to get rid of this illness. Thanks. Maricar”
01/27/2014: Pauline from
Sydney, Australia replies: “Just wondering how the Apple Cider Vinegar works on your eyes. Have just been diagnosed with Pterygium and pinguecula. Feeling overwhelmed and don’ t want to look people. Many thanks, Pauline”
05/18/2014: Gil from
Malaysia replies: “Hi.. Can I know how you dilute the Apple Cider Vinegar and how long it takes for you until your pterygium gone?.. Thnx ;)”
Castor Oil
01/12/2014: Natty from
England , Uk replies: “Any luck with the castor oil for Pterygium? Anyone kindly give us some outcome with using theCastor Oil ? I was diagnosed with Pterygium this week, I have been searching online as there is not cure for Pterygium, only surgery wise.
I am heartbroken and had been in tears over this. I am only 30 years old female, my GP didn’t tell me much about it and nothing to worry about until it effected my vision and just send me away. I am seeing another doctor next week and as I want another second opinion.
So I have been using the pure castor oil since yesterday, twice a day into my eye, worth a try and see for the next two weeks or so. If that doesn’t work, I am going to try the Apple Cider Vinegar route. If that doesn’t work, then I am going to think about having surgery before it’s get too serious.
Anyone write any successes stories on here, I would love to hear from you. Anyone know any decent eye doctor in England? Anyone had surgery in England for Pterygium?
I really upset over this! N”
02/27/2014: Elle from
New Zealand replies: “Hi. I’m in my 30’s too and mine is progressively getting bigger.
The castor oil didn’t make mine go away but does seem to make it lighter. I fully intend to try ACV. All the health professionals I have spoken to all say its tied up with the liver! And that it’s an underlying issue. I thought my liver was fine although I do like to have a couple of drinks every day which is hard to give up.
The thought of surgery terrifies me! I will update if ACV works at all. I have also tried colloidal silver in the eyes to no avail :(“
[NAY] 03/30/2014: Natty from England, Uk replies: “Hi Elle,
Castor Oil or ACV didn’t work.
My Pterygium is growing, I had mine almost a year now. I am sure I am developing another one in my left eye. 🙁
Surgery is the only way to remove this ugly Pterygium, my ophthalmologist said he will remove it and seeing him soon to discuss surgery. I am worry about reoccurrence, it could come back.”
08/26/2012: Clear81 from Shenzhen, Guangdong, China replies: “Hi Kamo, May I know what is your development for using castor oil for your Pterygium? I would like to know what is the brand of Castor oil you are using? In my case, I stop using it since I do not see any effect on it except I sleep deep and wake up refreshed. I just put a few drops in my finger and gently put it in my eyelid where the pterygium is. How did you apply it? thanks”
03/12/2013: Jt from
Racine, Wisconsin replies: “I’m very interested in the castor oil/coconut oil treatment for pterygium. I’ve had both eyes operated on to remove the growth, and another to remove scar tissue that has formed after surgery on my right eye. The right eye is constantly red and at times very irritated. Eye drops help somewhat but not for long. My left eye gets what feels like a nerve zinger every so often and it’s not fun. I have scheduled yet another appt. For my opthamologist to check it out. I have had horrendous pain after both surgeries. Only until the 3rd surgery did I take painkillers which made a huge difference in my sanity and I was at least able to sleep. No body told me how much pain I’d have post- op. And when I complained they looked at me like I was from another planet. I always knew I was sensitive but that was ridiculous. Anyway, I’m now wondering if the oils ( castor and/or coconut) are able to help my scarred eye as well. Anybody have this problem or had surgery to remove the scar tissue? I’m a 57 yr old woman and I’m so tired of surgery. This has all taken place within the last 2 1/2 years, and it’s killing my pocketbook and my nerves. I appreciate any help you might have.
07/31/2013: Ashley from Nz replies: “Do you put castor oil directly into your eye? If so does it have to be a special kind of castor oil or just any from the pharmacy?”
03/15/2012: Aishwarya from
Nagpur, India replies: “Try Drishti Eye Drops made by Patanjali Ayurveda(Swami Ramdev ). It should work very well.”
03/20/2012: Clear81 from Shenzhen, Guangdong, China replies: “Hi Mel and others, How’s the development of your pterygium treatment using the Castor oil? I would like to know because I am eager to try it too on my one eye. Your post has been 2 years ago and I tried sending you a mail but I don’t know how so I just post it here.
Any feedbacks from the others who tried it? Thank you in advance for your post.
Regards, R”
04/18/2014: Festus from New Delhi India replies: “I’m living in new delhi india. Pls I need best of it, I’m having pterygium since 15 yrs back with one eye but now I have it in both eyes. I need help pls, I hear of castor oil and coconut oil treatment. Which store can I find this oil? Pls I’m scared. I need help to get rid of pterygium. My email id festus_c121 at ymail dot com. thank you all and God bless.”
07/29/2014: Carlo from
Ottawa, Canada replies: “Hey, just wondering how are you doing after all this time with your pterygium, did it go away? Are you still using castor oil? Thanks!”
10/22/2012: Lester from
Tobago replies: “Hi I have a pterigium in both my eyes for the past 44 years it means from birth and I am anxious to have it removed please advise me on how to apply the castor oil. ASAP my email is symple6(at)”
10/24/2012: Wayseer from
Motown , Ca/ Usa replies: “Hi Lester! Just a thought, but I am eating lots of raw organic honey in the comb -with royal bee jelly- after hearing about a radiologist telling a man with severe corneal problems to, “Just eat as much raw honey with royal bee jelly as you can handle, ” and that this very serious eye problem was soon healed completely.
I now have no floaters or fuzziness, and my vision is improving! You just chew the wax awhile, then spit it out, if eaten by the spoonfull. It has good stuff for you, and can be spread on warm toast with wax eaten too. You won’t even notice, and it’s lovely, really good. –T.”
05/15/2013: Sylvia from
Rustenburg ,northwest Province replies: “How do I use castor oil? Do I have to drink it or pour it inside my eyes?”
06/19/2013: Eva from Ab Canada replies: “Do I drink the castor oil or just drop it in my eye?”
09/19/2013: Johjan from
United Arab Emirates replies: “Hello! I have also pterygium in my right eye! May I know what brand of castor oil that you are using and how to used it! Thanks a lot, hope you reply”
04/18/2014: Festus from
New Delhi, India replies: “I have pterygium on both eye, may I know full name of the brand of castor oil that you are using and how to be used . Thanks a lot, hope you reply God bless.”
[BETTER BUT NOT CURED] 06/06/2014:
Athena fromSan Diego, Ca replies: “Hi All,
Currently, I have a pterygium in both eyes and just started treatment using the Castor Oil treatment. What I do is dip a Q-tip into the bottle of castor oil and put 1-2 drops directly onto the pterygium. I don’t know if it’s just in my head or not (since I am so eager to get rid of them), but I am already starting to notice the castor oil going to work. In one eye, the pterygium is beginning to fade a bit. I will keep you updated on the prognosis. Good luck! :)”
Castor Oil, Activated Charcoal
- 1 drop of Castor Oil in each eye at night (if I know I am not going back out, I start early)
- 1 drop of
Activated Charcoal Eyedrop (found here on EC, on how to make)
I let the Castor Oil do it’s thing for a couple of hours, follow by the Activated Charcoal Eye Drops
The first couple of nights, I had something like puss all over my eyes, I knew there was more going on there. Thanks EC!!!”
01/12/2014: Natty from England, Uk replies: “I know your post is a year old, just wondering If the Castor Oil work for your eye? Please kindly reply! Thanks.”
Fish Oil
Remedies Needed
I will be glad to have you share full details of natural remedies I can use, including dosage. Thanks.”
08/22/2011: Patti from Moorestown, Nj replies: “I had a pterygium removed and it grew right back! I have them on all four sides, they say it’s genetic but no one in my family had ever heard of them. I was told that if it grew over my pupil, I wouldn’t be able to see, so I had the surgery and it was awful! I have been watching it since and it grew back but not any further than it was, so I’m leaving it alone. I don’t know what to do other than continual use of Refresh Tears or something like that to keep the eye moist; dry eye is part of it. My vision has changed b/c of it, but I still don’t need glasses. My advice is to have your husband look into anything that could keep him from having surgery. Good luck!”
02/12/2012: Farrlinn from Long Beach, Ca replies: “Hi, I wanted to know if the Castor Oil is still working for you? I’ve already had one surgery for an inflammed ptygerium and the recovery was horrific. I suffered for horrible scar tissue and ultimately sought Accupuncture to help with the pain/scar tissue. I got relief, but now I’m afraid it is growing back and I’m in a lot of pain. Any feedback is much appreciated.
03/31/2012: Clear from China, Guangdong replies: “Hi Farrlinn, Did you ever tried the Castor oil as what Mel did? I just bought CO in Hongkong today in Worldwide Plaza Fanda Pharmacy and I will try it tonight. I hope I could gain results. I will update this board for the development. My eye doctor says my Pterygium is still small and I have to wait until it grows bigger to have it remove by surgery but he said it will still come back in due time. Oh…
Regards, R..”
04/26/2012: Speedteq from Phoenix, Arizona, United States replies: “I have suffered from these for a number of years and everytime I went to the eye doctor they really never told me any details only that they weren’t harmful. After looking this up on the site and being a new user here I noticed there was quite a bit of detail and it all pointed to lubrication. I have recently started using 100% pure , Virgin Coconut oil to help with some other issues. I started to think about just how good of a lubricant this seemed to be so I tried a experiment and took a cotton swab and lubricated the corners of my eyes.
The result was my vision became slightly blurred as I would have expected and there was zero irritation that was my greatest concern and I was prepared to rinse my eyes. My eyes felt really good so I did this before bed. By morning the size had been reduced to over 1/2 and I could actually see such a huge improvement plus my eyes where visably whiter. The next evening I repeated the process and applied abit more to the corners of my eyes so the Coconut oil would migrate over and I did this once again before bed because it did make my vision blurred. In the morning the long time “bumps” were nearly gone and I am now going to repeat this for the third evening tonight with great expectation that my eyes will once again be clear.”
06/17/2012: Onceprettyeyes from Phoenix, Az replies: “Hi Speedteq: I am also in Phoenix and have a HORRIBLE pterygium in my right eye. How has the coconut oil been working for you? This is the first time I heard of castor oil or coconut oil being helpful- I thought that I’d have to have surgery. I am going to purchase coconut oil tomorrow and see how it works for me as well. I would love to hear back from you.”
08/26/2012: Clear81 from Shenzhen, Guangdong, China replies: “Hi Speedteq, How is your eye now? Any update? I just log on again after a few months and saw your post. I will try again tonight using virgin coconut oil and hope I will have improvement. Wish me luck.”
10/04/2012: Radhika from New Delhi, India replies: “hi speedteq, I developed pterygium in my left eye 9 years back and another one in my right eye around 2 years back. My doctor has advised me to undergo surgery and I am terrified just by the idea of undergoing surgery.. This is the first time I have ever heard or read about coconut oil and am going to try it tonight itself….. wish me luck and I hope it works the same for me as it did for you.”
01/03/2013: Sally from Dalian City, China replies: “hello everyone! I am so glad to find this site. Just like everybody, I’ve got pterygium too and I’ve been worried for the past months. I’ve been hoping for other ways to cure my eyes. I plan to go to the store now to find virgin coconut oil. I am very excited and I hope and pray that it is going to work.”

Apple Cider Vinegar
In recent years, apple cider vinegar has been singled out as an especially helpful health tonic. So it’s now sold in both the condiment and the health supplement aisles of your grocery store. While many of the folk medicine uses of vinegar are unproven (or were disproved), a few do have medical research backing them up. Some small studies have hinted that apple cider vinegar could help with several conditions, including diabetes and obesity.