
Risk of Betadine/Povidone Iodine: Does it contain Lye? Yes, but it seems to be safe still for ocular tissues and other delicate mucous membranes.

There is some concern about gargling over the counter Betadine. The concern is that it contains lye which is sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide can be dangerous to the eye if splashed into the eye in high concentrations (ref 1). However, in very low amounts it appears to be very safe for ocular tissues.  Povidone iodine-containing […]

Risk of Betadine/Povidone Iodine: Does it contain Lye? Yes, but it seems to be safe still for ocular tissues and other delicate mucous membranes. Read More »

Dangers of excessive Povidone Iodine

This is very rare and unlikely to occur by gargling 5% Povidone iodine 2x per day. But to be cautions, don’t over do it either.  https://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC1307179&blobtype=pdf IodineAbsorptionAfterTopicalAdministration FRANCINE DELA CRUZ, PharmD; DEBORAH HARPER BROWN, PharmD; JERROLD B. LEIKIN, MD; CORY FRANKLIN, MD, and DANIEL 0. HRYHORCZUK, MD, MPH, Chicago Absorptionfrompovidone-iodinepreparationsaftertopicaladministrationhasbeenreportedtobe negligible,butanelderlywomanhadincreasedserumiodinelevelswithpossiblemetaboliccompli- cationsafterpovidone-iodinesolutionwasappliedtodecubitusulcers. (Dela Cruz F,

Dangers of excessive Povidone Iodine Read More »

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