What is the Best Diet in the World?

What is the Best Diet in the World?

While it is true that no one in the world knows the full answer to this question yet, a dear friend Angela, who is my go-to person for the latest literature out there on diet issues put together this a solid resource below. Thank you, Angela!

I will also be reading and viewing this with you all. 

The key things I suspect to be very true as of Nov 2015 are:
1. a low carbohydrate diet is a good idea for the majority of people
2. refined sugars and carbs is not healthy
3. Partially hydrogenated oil is not healthy
4. Omega 3 intake is good; most all patients benefit from 2000-4000mg /day (except possibly patients with Lupus or those patients whose MD say avoid)
5. Saturated fat is not healthy: avoid
6. Olive oil is best option for oils
7. Coconut oil is not a bad option
8. Wild salmon is good for you.
9. Generally: Wild fish is good for you except for too much tuna or other fish with potentially high mercury levels.
10. Costco Seaweed: my favorite treat: still not downsides found yet. Radiation levels are not an issue currently. Be aware of too much salt intake.
11. Meat: this is where Angela & I disagree a bit. While we do eat meat, we mostly eat turkey breast & chicken about 0-3x/week, I do not agree on eating meat every day. I love her bone broth recipes but too much meat has a potential link with wet macular degeneration and colon cancer. Only more research and time will tell what is the best balance for meat eating. 
13. Nuts: also a bit controversial: Omega 3 high nuts are good like pecans, almonds apparently; Omega 6 high nuts like peanuts, no so much. 

I am not convinced a high fat diet is good for most people. Healthy fats are good, but for those patients with a family history of stroke and high cholesterol, genetics may play a key role in why a high fat diet, even healthy fats may be an issue. Only time will tell how much genetics will dictate what diet is best per person.

So please view & read below with this in mind.
As new knowledge is published, I will try to update this page as much as possible.

Sandra Lora Cremers, MD, FACS

Angela’s Suggested List for Food References:

So-So Paleo’s Resources for going forward after That Sugar Film
I invite you to take a look at my Facebook page (below)
where I like to highlight important news related to health.  In addition, here are some resources that
I’ve found to be helpful in my quest to understand nutrition, health and
medicine.  For busy parents, I’m
organizing this from the least time consuming resources (social media pages to
“like” to receive updates, as well as movies and videos to share with your
loved ones), to the most time consuming (books and cookbooks).  I’ll also include at the bottom, some contact
information for doctors in the DC Metro area that understand and are supportive
of a Paleo/Ketogenic lifestyle.
3)     Carb Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat: (rent
5)     Toxic Oil & Cancer &
Auto-Immune Diseases: (free)
6)     Fat Head Movie: (free) http://www.hulu.com/watch/196879
10)   How Bad Science and Big Business
Created the Obesity Epidemic: (free)
11)   The Heart of the Matter Part 1 (truth
of what causes Heart Disease): (free)
12)   The Heart of the Matter Part 2 (why
Statins should not be taken preventatively): (free)
13)   Cereal Killers 2 (how elite athletes
improve performance on ketogenic lifestyle): (free)
14)   Gut Reaction Part 1 (important ways
gut health determine your overall health):
Books I found helpful, in order of

The Big Fat Surprise:
Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet–
Named one of The Wall Street
’s Top Ten Best Nonfiction Books of 2014. In The Big Fat
investigative journalist Nina Teicholz reveals the unthinkable:
that everything we thought we knew about dietary fat is wrong. She documents
how the low-fat nutrition advice of the past sixty years has amounted to a vast
uncontrolled experiment on the entire population, with disastrous consequences
for our health. In this captivating, vibrant, and convincing narrative, based
on a nine-year-long investigation, Teicholz shows how the misinformation about
saturated fats took hold in the scientific community and the public
imagination, and how recent findings have overturned these beliefs

2)    Sugar Crush: How to Reduce Inflammation, Reverse Nerve
Damage, and Reclaim Good Health:
What Grain Brain did for wheat, this book by a leading
peripheral nerve surgeon now does for sugar, revealing how it causes crippling
nerve damage throughout the body—in our feet, organs, and brain—why sugar and
carbohydrates are harmful to the body’s nerves, and how eliminating them can
mitigate and even reverse the damage. Sugar Crush exposes the shocking
truth about how a diet high in sugar, processed carbohydrates, and wheat
compresses and damages the peripheral nerves of the body, leading to pain,
numbness, and tingling in the hands and feet, along with a host of related
conditions, including migraines, gall bladder disease, and diabetes. If you
suffer from ailments your doctors can’t seem to diagnose or help—mysterious
rashes, unpredictable digestive problems, debilitating headaches, mood and
energy swings, constant tiredness—nerve compression is the likely cause. 

Cure Your Child with
Food: The Hidden Connection Between Nutrition and Childhood Ailments
: Grounded
in cutting-edge science and filled with case studies that read like medical
thrillers, this is a book for every parent whose child suffers from mood
swings, stomachaches, ear infections, eczema, anxiety, tantrums, ADD/ADHD,
picky eating, asthma, lack of growth, and a host of other physical, behavioral,
and developmental problems.  

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat,
Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
(as well as all the other Wheat Belly books in his
series): Cardiologist William Davis says that excess fat has nothing to do with
gluttony, sloth, or too much butter: it’s due to the whole grain wraps we eat
for lunch.
this national bestseller, Dr. Davis exposes the harmful effects of what is
actually a product of genetic tinkering and agribusiness being sold to the American
public as “wheat”―and provides readers with a user-friendly,
step-by-step plan to navigate a new wheat-free lifestyle.
‘Vegetable oils give you cancer.  Every extra mouthful of vegetable
oil you consume takes you one step closer to a deadly (and irreversible)
outcome.  Our bodies are not adapted to
eat a diet which contains polyunsaturated fats in huge quantities. Our
extraordinarily complex biochemistry works on an assumption that we will have a
very small quantity of these fats in our diet and that every other fat we
consume will come from animals or other sources of saturated fat or
monounsaturated fat. This was the case until 200 years ago, but the industrial
replacement of all fats with cheaper man-made vegetable oils has meant
that it is almost impossible to buy food that does not
contain polyunsaturated fats in the form of seed oils. They are in
cooking oils, margarines, sauces, spreads, crackers, biscuits, pastry, fast
food and most processed food.  In Toxic
he reveals the evidence to support his argument that an excess of seed
oils can not only cause cancer and heart disease but also damage our eyes and
immune systems.
Eating on the Wild
Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health
: She is an investigative journalist
who specializes in science and health. In this New York Times bestseller, she
explains how to select the most delicious and nutritious varieties of fruits
and vegetables currently available.
 This is a book about the
vegetables and fruits that are available in supermarkets and farmer’s markets
in the U.S. For each group of vegetables or fruits, there is a history going
back to the earliest cultivation and information on the wild origins. Included
with this history is also the healthful properties of the wild plant and the
changes that have taken place as a result of cultivation. Wild plants are the
original nutritional powerhouses and the author tells you how you can get
closest to that with the cultivated plants found in the stores, markets or
backyard gardens.
8)    Brain Maker: The Power of
Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain–for Life:
From Dr. Perlmutter (NYT best selling author
of Grain Brain) you’ll learn why you want to include certain foods and avoid
certain substances so you can optimize and reprogram the communication between
your body’s trillions of gut bacteria and your brain. You’ll be surprised to
learn the list of compounds that disturb your brain’s critical set point: they
are in diet drinks, animal products, and household cleaning supplies. Dr.
Perlmutter also shares new research about bacterial-derived compounds that are
causing diseases and disorders such as autism in children as well.
Cookbooks I found helpful:
Doctors, etc. that
understand Paleo lifestyle:
Rachel Chastanet (Chesapeake)
Kate Lemmerman
William McCarthy
Jasmine Moghissi
Danny Shaban
Chuck Shaffer
Vivian Shelton
Jeffrey Sicat
(Glen Allen)
Phillip Snider
Anne and David Stewart
Eric Thorn

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