
Chronic Dry Eye: an Overview

CHRONIC DRY EYE  Dry eye affects an estimated 20.7 million people in the United States alone and is one of the most  common reasons that people visit their eye doctor (Reference:1,2) Nearly 40 % of those surveyed in the USA experience symptoms of dry eye on a regular basis. (3) Dry eye can be a

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Sjögren Syndrome: Do you have a feeling of dry eyes, dry mouth, and arthritis? Let your MD and eyeMD know.

Sjögren Syndrome Dry eyes are most commonly NOT due to a significant underlying inflammatory condition. But in patients who also note dryness of the mouth and arthritis with their dry eyes may have a significant underlying inflammatory condition. Dry mouth is informally diagnosed clinically with a question, such as, “are you able to eat saltine crackers

Sjögren Syndrome: Do you have a feeling of dry eyes, dry mouth, and arthritis? Let your MD and eyeMD know. Read More »

Corneal Ulcer References: latest

J Fr Ophtalmol. 2013 Jun 20. pii: S0181-5512(13)00023-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jfo.2012.06.026. [Epub ahead of print] [Contact lens related corneal ulcers: Clinical, microbiological and therapeutic features.] [Article in French] Benhmidoune L, Bensemlali A, Bouazza M, Karami R, El Mansouri H, El Belhadji M, Rachid R, Chakib A, Amraoui A. Source Service d’ophtalmologie, hôpital 20 Août 1953, CHU Ibn Rochd, quartier des Hôpitaux Anfa, rue Lahcen-Laarjoune, Casablanca, Maroc. Electronic

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My Eye Feels Weird, What Should I Do? and Top 10 most common causes of eye pain and The Top 5 Most Common Causes of Itchy Eyes

A friends just called saying her son in law’s eye all of a sudden got red and looked a little swollen. After a few iphone photos were sent from Florida and I spoke to her son in law, we were able to surmise that it was likely an allergic reaction. It can be very scary

My Eye Feels Weird, What Should I Do? and Top 10 most common causes of eye pain and The Top 5 Most Common Causes of Itchy Eyes Read More »

Crystalens HD, Crystalens AO

The Accommodating IOL – the Crystalens HD and Crystalens AO The Bausch & Lomb Crystalens was the first truly effective accommodating IOL to become available in the world. It is the first and only accommodating IOL to be approved by the United State’s FDA.  Accommodation is the name of the normal, natural change in the

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Cataract and Refractive Lens Exchange Questionnaire

Name___________________________                                                       Date___________                                                                               Cataract and Refractive Lens Exchange Questionnaire The term “cataract” refers to a cloudy lens within the eye. When a cataract is removed, an artificial lens is placed inside the eye to take the place of the human lens that has become the cataract. Occasionally, clear lenses that have not yet developed cataracts are

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