Many patients have told me that their dry eye symptoms are so severe, they have contemplated suicide as their only recourse. They feel they have tried everything medicine has to offer and they feel no hope. In trying to write about this recently, I was surprised there were no publications reporting the link of chronic dry eye and suicidal ideation or even chronic eye pain and suicidal ideation.
What is the best way to go about publishing all the cases of this depth of depression on patients with chronic dry eye? That is the prevelenece of suicidal ideation in our severe dry eye patients?
If you have contemplated the depths of depression with your dry eye, we want to know about this.
Please email us with the following:
1. Your story, what you have tired, with which doctors, how your symptoms started, how severe the depression has been and for how long.
2. We will not use your name unless you want us to or give us explicit permission.
Email Allie Blankenship at
Please put “Severe Dry Eye” in subject.
Figure 1: The standard Hospital anxiety and depression scale questionnaire in English Does not even ask about Suicidal Thoughts! |
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