Possibile Great and Cheap Alternative to Moisture Chamber Glasses or Ziena Dry Eye Glasses


I love my patients! A dear patient gave me permission to video the wonderful “find” she brought in to show me. These Motorcycle Safety Glasses fit her face better & help with dry eyes.

At $29.99 on Amazon, they might be a great option for dry eye patients and patients with eye pain: https://amzn.to/383I4vm

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn commission from qualifying purchases.* #ad

I love Ziena, but they are more expensive and have had a few patients say they could not fit the face well. Dr. Donald Korb in Boston may be able to help make ones that are custom fit but could be much more expensive: (617) 426-0370

The questions now is: should we tell the Motorcycle sunglasses companies (there are many I now see on Amazon) that they can be used for dry eye patients & risk the doubling of their price or keep it a secret among us?




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