
Uveitis (or Scleritis, Episcleritis, Arthritis) & Steroids & Steroid-Sparing Medications

Steroid-Sparing Drugs for Uveitis, Scleritis, Arthritis by: Sandra Lora Cremers, MD, FACS Inflammation of the eye or joints or inside the body leads to scar tissue which can have significant consequences.  In the eye, it can cause scar tissue of the drain of the eye (the angle or trabecular meshwork), which can lead to glaucoma

Uveitis (or Scleritis, Episcleritis, Arthritis) & Steroids & Steroid-Sparing Medications Read More »

Sjögren Syndrome: Do you have a feeling of dry eyes, dry mouth, and arthritis? Let your MD and eyeMD know.

Sjögren Syndrome Dry eyes are most commonly NOT due to a significant underlying inflammatory condition. But in patients who also note dryness of the mouth and arthritis with their dry eyes may have a significant underlying inflammatory condition. Dry mouth is informally diagnosed clinically with a question, such as, “are you able to eat saltine crackers

Sjögren Syndrome: Do you have a feeling of dry eyes, dry mouth, and arthritis? Let your MD and eyeMD know. Read More »

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