
Marijuana: Risks and Benefits

While most doctors and surgeons strongly dislike the idea of legalizing marijuana, there are certain patients that may be helped with a prescription due to its anti-inflammatory effect.  There are so many other natural anti-inflamatories that most doctors would consider this as an “end stage” alternative.  Adult derived and placental stem cells likely work better

Marijuana: Risks and Benefits Read More »

The Dangers of Marijuana: “Neil Smith Oil almost killed me,” said a my patient today.

I had never heard of anyone ingesting “Neil Smith oil.” I had no idea what my patient was talking about, when she said that she bought “Neil Smith Oil” in Maryland–apparently, it is Cannabidiol oil (Reference 3), she took it as she was having chronic pain.  What happened next was very scary and she says she

The Dangers of Marijuana: “Neil Smith Oil almost killed me,” said a my patient today. Read More »

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