
Drugs that can cause or exacerbate Narrow Angle Glaucoma

Drug-induced glaucoma is a form of secondary glaucoma. Several types of drugs, such as adrenergic agonists, cholinergics, anti-cholinergics, sulfa-based drugs (e.g. topiramate), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic and tetracyclic anti-depressants, anticoagulants, and antihistamines, have been reported to induce secondary acute angle-closure glaucoma [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. Cabergoline (brand names Dostinex and Cabaser), an ergot derivative, is a potent

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References for Pterygium

S100 S100A Proteins as Molecular Targets in the Ocular Surface Inflammatory Diseases. Tong L, Lan W, Lim RR, Chaurasia SS. Ocul Surf. 2014 Jan;12(1):23-31 CONJUNCTIVALCHALASIS (Med Hypotheses. 2013 Nov;81(5):927-30. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2013.08.017. Epub 2013 Aug 31.Conjunctivochalasis is the precursor to pterygium. Tong L1, Lan W, Sim HS, Hou A. ———— Cost of pterygium: Pterygium in Australia: a cost of illness study. Wlodarczyk J, Whyte

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The Best Way to Clean Your Face and Eyelids: Lid Hygiene for those with Eye Pain, Dry Eyes, Itchiness, Tearing, Redness

Eye pain, chronic tearing, eye redness, itchiness, and acute & chronic dry eye can sometimes be due to a very common malady: clogged meibomian glands. These glands are located at the base of each eyelash. There are approximately 50 glands on the upper eyelids and 25 glands on the lower eyelids. The oily substance produced

The Best Way to Clean Your Face and Eyelids: Lid Hygiene for those with Eye Pain, Dry Eyes, Itchiness, Tearing, Redness Read More »

Dr. Cremers’ Migraine Diet and Headache Diet: recommended and not recommended foods

Dr. Cremers’ Migraine Diet and Headache Diet: recommended and not recommended foods Headache and Migraine Diet Sandra Lora Cremers, MD, FACS Headaches and Migraines can present in different ways depending on a patient’s particular brain-flow pattern, internal and external conditions (e.g., general medical health, immunological condition, hormones, hydration, humidity). Pain in the head or even

Dr. Cremers’ Migraine Diet and Headache Diet: recommended and not recommended foods Read More »

Must read: Tools to help prevent dementia, depression, etc (and decrease risk of heart attack, stroke, death)

Dear Patients and Friends, My husband finally went completely gluten free last year and has really felt a significant improvement in his energy level. This is after years of skepticism over the “gluten free crazies.” [He did get phD in theoretical physics (string theory) from Harvard which is not known for accepting things just on

Must read: Tools to help prevent dementia, depression, etc (and decrease risk of heart attack, stroke, death) Read More »

TMJ and Migraines: TMJ (TemporoMendibular Joint) issues as the cause of headaches

Many patients we see have some form of head discomfort: headache, migraine, pressure sensations. Some know from the start it is due to TMJ ((TemporoMendibular Joint) issues. We usually send them to a dentist for evaluation. Below if more information to help if you or someone you know has discomfort in the area of the

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Going Gluten Free: personal story

I have been near gluten free for 3 years now. It has really helped in many areas of health, but I am still waiting for there to be randomized controlled, double blinded trials on its benefit to prove to skeptical colleagues of its benefit. Books such as Grain Brain, Wheat Belly, Good Calories Bad Calories,

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