New Lyme Treatment: Lyme-N

A friend’s daughter was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. We have many friends who have had Lyme disease and many patients as well. I still don’t understand why the US does not mandate isolation of deer to certain areas only: gated off & not allowed to wonder in the woods where people live.
Lyme can be devastating and can lead to a lifetime of complications.

A friend tried the below and it “helped.”
Still look for studies.
Anyone out there know more about Lyme N Nebulized treatment? I cannot find a randomized controlled, blinded study.

          FAQ’S for Lyme-N
1)What is Lyme-N and who
would use it?

Lyme-N is a product made up of inorganic minerals designed to kill spirochetal
populations present in the body. It is designed for use by individuals who have
Borreliosis (spirochetes) or related spirochetal infections such as those found
in individuals who have Lyme Disease.
2) What are the ingredients
in Lyme-N?

Everything in Lyme-N is a micronutrient required by every cell in the
body.  Lyme-N is a proprietary
combination of natural inorganic, compounded minerals that possess inherently
antimicrobial properties. Lyme-N has natural bactericidal, mycobactericidal,
and virucidal properties.   The ingredients in Lyme-N are
“Generally Recognized As Safe”, or GRAS (a term used by the FDA and
EPA).  The FDA and EPA have extensively
studied everything that is in Lyme-N and have found them to be benign and low
in toxicity in relation to human consumption and does not reach anywhere near
to levels that would poison someone.  We
can’t divulge specific details of the ingredients because it is proprietary and
immensely valuable.  If you are of the
personality type that must know; then this protocol is not for you.  There is no evidence that humans have
allergic reactions to inorganic minerals.
3) How does Lyme-N work?
Lyme-N penetrates microorganisms over a relatively short amount of time,
disrupting protein and nucleic acid structures selectively in spirochetes. The
action produces a lethal effect on harmful bacteria such as spirochetes. 
Lyme-N hooks up with their ligand structure and releases enough micronutrients
needed to destroy the spirochetes and other infections.
Nebulized, it is a gas which is
the smallest molecule your body could take in.  
It incorporates in your blood gases and follows your blood gases
throughout your body with each heartbeat, 1400 times a day.  It is not only toxic to spirochetes, but in a
gaseous state Lyme-N goes everywhere the spirochetes go and can eliminate the
lyme disease unlike any other treatment. 
It is a fumigant so it gets everywhere the blood flows.
All cells in the body have
ligand structures and these ligand structures are slightly negative.  Lyme-N (which is positively charged) has a
unique ability to discriminate between healthy cells, (which are positively charged)
and bad cells (which are negatively charged). 
The negative charge in the healthy cell’s ligand structure is so slight
that the Lyme-N is able to ignore it. 
Therefore, Lyme-N is repelled by the healthy cells as two positive
charges do not attract and healthy cells won’t be harmed or eliminated.  In fact, if Lyme-N comes across a healthy
ligand structure of a cell that is neutral because it is deficit of some of the
minerals Lyme-N contains, then Lyme-N’s ligand structure will match up to fill
it and exchange chemistry until filled. 
Then it will push off in search of other negative or neutral ligand
structures.  The neutrals are healthy but
don’t have everything they need.
The biofilm is typically
positively charged and that is why negatively charged cells cover themselves
with it, so that when the immune system or medication passes by , they don’t
notice it because it is positively charged. 
A fumigant is small enough to see through the positive biofilm and go through
and destroy it.
Certain components of the composition act to chaperone
those dead, negative cells safely and effectively out of the body.  Because Lyme-N naturally chaperones the dead
and decayed spirochetes from the body; detoxing is not necessary and could
actually decrease the effectiveness as the Lyme-N would leave the body as well,
through forcing detox.  Detoxing is also
the last step in the battle that the immune system must learn so interfering
with it is not a good idea because it may not learn the complete process of
detoxing by itself.  It would have a
missing step.  In escorting them out, If
the negative cell that was killed has multi molecules or is large, like a piece
of biofilm, then the Lyme-N will escort it to the nearest exit port which would
most likely be your bladder.  If the
killed negative cell is microscopic, like a spirochete, then Lyme-N would
merely escort it out the pore of the skin.

4) How is Lyme-N used?
Lyme-N is nebulized, meaning it is inhaled by the individual. The nebulization
process is repeated daily for 60 days. The process normally takes an individual
5 to 25 minutes daily, which requires a small, inexpensive nebulizing unit, and
can be done at home.  By nebulizing, one
is basically fumigating the body from head to toe and the spirochetes cannot
escape.  Lyme-N breaks through the
blood/brain barrier.

5) Does Lyme-N
Eliminate Co-Infections?
We have had test results
showing that coinfections have been eliminated. 
More research is needed
before we can understand and prove the extent to which coinfections are
6) How do I know
that the spirochetal population is eliminated?
There are 2 ways to determine
if your spirochetal population is eliminated. 
The first is to image the saliva fluid after 30 days post
treatment.  The second is by PCR tests
which tests for DNA.  This test will be
positive and would need to be done several times to determine if there is a
declining rate of the dead organisms being eliminated from the body over time.  The amplitude of the DNA should decrease over
time.  If the DNA increases, then you
know the infection is still alive and well and needs to be addressed.
Symptom levels are not an
indication that your spirochetal population is eliminated.  Symptoms will continue for a time depending
upon the level of damage.  Symptoms cycle
away as the body heals (assuming it isn’t permanent damage) at various rates
dependent upon many various factors such as age, gender, metabolic rate,
coinfections involved, years affected, health condition, etc.
7) How does Lyme-N differ
from antibiotics and other products?

Lyme-N is not an antibiotic. It does not have the structure of an antibiotic,
nor is it an herbal product. Lyme-N is a solution made of naturally occurring
inorganic minerals. The mean diameter of Lyme-N molecules is 260 picometers.
Antibiotics typically have a mean diameter of 50 to 100 times that of Lyme-N,
consequently Lyme-N is capable of far greater absorption, permeation and
diffusion throughout the entire body.
Antibiotics and certain other
products and compositions are, fortunately, regulated. Those products
frequently have serious short and long term side-effects, some of which may be
permanent.  Regulated antibiotics cannot
discriminate between good bacteria and bad bacteria like Lyme-N can.  With antibiotics the gastrointestinal flora
gets killed and creates a situation where you can no longer digest food.
Before nebulization, when the
saliva of an individual who has been on antibiotics is viewed under the
microscope, what one sees is that the spirochetes have changed into the cyst
and round body forms to protect themselves. 
When observing saliva of a Lyme patient who has been on natural
remedies, what one observes is spirochetes and bacteria that have changed form,
slowed down and appear ill.  Their
harmful activity may be slowed down, but in neither case are they dead.

8) Are essential oils similar to Lyme-N?
No. Essential oils commonly associated with the treatment of Lyme disease
differ compositionally and in mode of action. While essential oils may have
certain beneficial effects when used for other purposes, their use during or in
conjunction with the use of Lyme-N is strongly discouraged. There is evidence
that indicates that essential oils may interfere with the desired absorption of
Lyme-N and render it less effective.

9) Does Lyme-N pose any long term or short term health risks?
No. Risk is viewed as a function of transient or continued negative side
effects, irreversible negative changes, allergic reactions, or other
undesirable effects from use. The assessment of risk is low with respect to
Lyme-N use, based on evidence from successful use by hundreds of users spanning
over a decade.   Generally, the Lyme-N composition provides elements
the body normally uses to defend against infection, elements that are in many
instances deficient in supply in the typical individual’s diet, therefore the
product provides benefit as opposed to risk.

If you are a healthy person or
are “asymptomatic”  from Lyme, and were
to do the 60 day protocol, the most you would likely experience are more vivid
dreams at night.  Then, starting 6 months
after nebulizing, you may start noticing that you have a better memory and feel
much sharper in thought.

10) Why is the Lyme-N solution nebulized?
Evidence from testing indicates that nebulization is the most effective pathway
for moving Lyme-N into the body, more so than oral, dermal or other routes.
Additionally, certain processes occur with nebulization which enable a complete
absorption of Lyme-N and conversion of the product to a maximally efficacious
form of gas.  By fumigating the body with
Lyme-N the spirochetes can be eliminated over a 60 day period.

11) What can I expect in terms of symptoms DURING the 60
day protocol?

Everyone’s experience during the protocol is different.  It is an
indication of what damage has occurred internally by the drilling spirochetes
and co-infections.  If you are asymptomatic with little or no damage
internally, you would usually experience more vivid dreams during the
During the first 30 days most people experience more fatigue
as their body is battling the majority of the spirochetal infestation and other
infections.  If there is biofilm, an individual may experience an increase
in aches or pain within the first two weeks.  At this point, it is
believed that the transient increase in aches or pain are the result of the
biofilm loss, which may expose raw or previously damaged nerves. We have
observed in some cases that this pain may go away in a few weeks once the nerve
damage heals. People also experience rewinding of old symptoms and these may
re-appear during the nebulization and even after.  You may see rashes come
back, fevers, headaches, and aches and pains from the past.  You may
experience symptoms from decades before that you had no idea related to
Lyme.  This is completely normal.  This is how the body starts
healing.  Symptoms gradually appeared as your illness progressed and they
can reappear and then gradually disappear as you heal.
 In the second half of the protocol, most people start
to feel better unless they are a longtime chronic Lyme patient.  Not all
people feel better and it really varies.  We have had some people not feel
better until day 60 or later.  Everyone’s experience is different and
there is no right or wrong.  Just like the disease affects everyone
differently; the protocol and healing experience will vary as well.  There
are so many factors that come into play.
 Towards the end of the protocol, most, but not all,
people feel better while nebulizing as Lyme-N is a crutch for the body in
helping recover.  Once finishing the protocol, because the body has to
take over the healing on its own without Lyme-N, there is an adjustment period
and one can feel even more symptoms about 30 to 60 days after finishing the
treatment.  Most people initially react and think the infection is back,
but these are phantom symptoms that can occur and begin cycling and then going
away gradually during the healing.  This is merely how the body heals
because it works in cycles.  It will continue these symptom cycles it knew
for months and years … but since the cause of the symptoms (spirochetes and
bacteria) are gone, these phantom cycles will get broken. Over time when the
phantom cycles are slowed down, you can experience more and more good days with
the bad days decreasing.  It is a long healing period and even though this
is not pleasant, we believe this symptom cycling process may be necessary for
the body to gather intel to fight future infections.

12) What happens if I miss a nebulizing session?
Not adhering to your protocol may cause the process to fail, therefore we
strongly urge that you stay on the protocol for 60 days. If you miss a
nebulizing session it potentially will allow the spirochetes to reestablish
themselves.  A prolonged break in daily
nebulization, intentionally or otherwise, will necessitate termination of the
60 day protocol and a review of the ability and timing of a re-initialization
of the process.
Lyme-N has a relatively short
lived residence in the body of only 24 hours. Optimally, Lyme-N is presented to
the body, one dose daily, which enables the volume to reach a saturation point.
Subsequent to nebulization Lyme-N rapidly diffuses throughout the body and has
a predictable absorption gradient through tissues. Lyme-N is excreted within 24
hours through normal fecal, urine, breathing and perspiration routes without
residue, therefore a daily repetition is required for 2 months.
Frequently we are asked if an
individual can take a break from the protocol to go on antibiotics for other
infections.  Lyme-N is ineffective if
taken along with antibiotics. But, in many cases, the dosage for Lyme-N can be
increased and also taken orally to help alleviate other infections.  Consult your Lyme-N literate doctor for

13) What can I expect in terms of symptoms going away long term and the
healing process?

Those with Chronic Lyme have had the disease for a long time and the
spirochetes associated with this disease do a great deal of damage.  You can expect it to take about half as long
as you have had this disease to get better. 
Realize that you could have had this disease many years before you ever
experienced symptoms.  Patients often
have a long healing period and/or could have permanent damage.  The alleviation of symptoms from spirochetal
infection is often complex, as it is a function of the extent, intensity and
duration of the infection as well as the age and status of the individual and
the extent to which other infections (co-infections or otherwise) have been or
are present.  Experiencing symptoms
during and after treatment is not a function of determining if the spirochetal
population is eliminated.

Symptoms are present and cycle during the healing period.  Lyme-N kills the spirochetes and then
reverses the symptoms.  For an individual
with long-standing chronic Lyme, it can take a year or more to heal unless
there is permanent damage which won’t heal.  
For example, joint damage from rheumatoid arthritis caused by Lyme can
be permanent.  This joint damage will not
reverse with time even after nebulization. 
Only time can answer this question of how much damage there is as MRI’s
and radiology cannot reveal underlying damage. 
It is this very reason that many Lyme patients go to the emergency room
complaining of severe symptoms only to be told to go home because nothing can
be determined and everything tests normal.

If there is biofilm, an
individual may experience an elevation in aches or pain within the first two
weeks.  At this point, it is believed
that the transient elevation in aches or pain are the result of the biofilm
loss, which may expose raw or previously damaged nerves. We have observed in
some cases that this pain may go away in a few weeks once the nerve damage
People also experience
rewinding of old symptoms and these may re-appear during the nebulization and
even after.  You may see rashes come
back, fevers, headaches, and aches and pains from the past.  You may experience symptoms from decades
before that you had no idea related to Lyme. 
This is completely normal.  This
is how the body starts healing.  Symptoms
gradually appeared as your illness progressed and they can reappear and then
gradually disappear as you heal.  This
can take a year or more but it is diminishing with time, unless it is permanent
damage.  If an individual is not too
chronic, they can typically feel better toward the latter second half of the
treatment when the majority of the spirochetes are killed.
Towards the end of the
protocol, most, but not all, people feel better while nebulizing as Lyme-N is a
crutch for the body in helping recover. 
Once finishing the protocol, because the body has to take over the healing
on its own without Lyme-N, there is an adjustment period and one can feel even
more symptoms about 30 to 60 days after finishing the treatment.  Most people initially react and think the
infection is back, but these are phantom symptoms that can occur and begin
cycling and then going away gradually during the healing.  This is merely how the body heals because it
works in cycles.  It will continue these
symptom cycles it knew for months and years … but since the cause of the
symptoms (spirochetes and bacteria) are gone, these phantom cycles will get
broken. Over time when the phantom cycles are slowed down, you can experience
more and more good days with the bad days decreasing.  It is a long healing period and even though
this is not pleasant, we believe this symptom cycling process may be necessary
for the body to gather intel to fight future infections. 
14) Is there a
pattern observed for particular symptoms as far as how long it takes for them
to cycle away?
There is a pattern observed but
it does not always apply to everyone.  Do
not be concerned if yours take longer to diminish.  Some people don’t feel better until after the
60 days and longer.  It is very
common.  Everyone’s healing process is
different because there are too many factors that come into play.  Too many to even list; it is infinite. 
Some of these symptom patterns
Joint Pain – for many, joint pain can go away within 6 months, post
treatment.  However, wait a year before
going back to intense exercise.  It takes
time for the synovial fluid function to repair and replenish to normality ….
especially if the synovial valve has been attacked by the spirochetes. The
principle role of the synovial fluid is to reduce friction between the
articular cartilage of synovial joints during movement.  So, you might not have any pain until you
exert the joints.  If you subsequently,
have joint pain or swelling, then you could have possibly overdone it.
If you’re an ex-athlete or you
have rheumatoid arthritis with joint damage, then the above does not apply to
you.  Your damage will most likely not
Headaches – for many, headaches can continue to cycle for a year or
more.  You will most likely notice a drop
in frequency and severity over time.  To
help the body heal from the headaches after treatment, try cold compresses over
the eyes and at the base of the skull when you get them.  You may even try warm compresses or
alternating between hot and cold and see what works.  This might help break the cycling. 
Fatigue – If you have adrenal fatigue it can take 2 to 3 years to
heal.  However, you should notice a
significant change after doing the 60 day protocol.  Your required naps will most likely decrease
over time in frequency and duration.
Insomnia – sleeplessness usually resolves within 6 months after
treatment.  For many, it can resolve
within the 60 day protocol.  Sometimes,
insomnia is caused by symptoms such as pain and anxiety.  Sleep may improve as these symptoms diminish.  If you genetically tend to have insomnia,
this will most likely NOT go away because the infections were not the causative
such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, cramping, pain
associated with eating particular foods, heartburn, etc.  These issues are very complex as there can be
many different co-infections and issues that come into play.  Talk these over with your Lyme-N literate
Some people get immediate
relief from irritable bowel syndrome and constipation after drinking 10 drops
along with nebulizing the 20 drops for about 5 days at the beginning of the protocol. 
Many of these issues including
pain and cramping can be caused by inadequate flora in the gastro system due to
antibiotics.  In this case, we suggest
probiotics.  We have used the following;
Probios, which you can buy on Amazon, a farm animal probiotic.  It looks and tastes like powdered coffee
creamer.  This probiotic is highly
regulated because these animals can be eaten by humans so the standards are
high and safe.  These include strains and
enzymes that are not available in human probiotics and also have to remain
alive without needing refrigeration.  If
you want a similar probiotic product that is dairy and sugar free, try
Pain can also be from an
internal sore in your stomach system caused by spirochetes.  If after the 5 days of oral Lyme-N and then
discontinuing, your stomach starts hurting again, then take heartburn
medicine.  If the pain goes away when you
take it, you know that the sore needs more time to heal. 
Many people have issues where
they have limited foods they can eat. 
Sometimes these sensitivities go away in the first year and sometimes
they don’t.  This is more than likely
related to the extent of damage left behind. 
Hopefully, we will learn more in time in research as we go forward.
Anxiety – for most, anxiety will initially increase during the
Lyme-N protocol.  However, you should
start noticing a pattern of it coming and going. It varies by individual.  For the very chronic, this can cycle for a
year.  But it is diminishing, so it will
go down in intensity.  We recommend Kava
Kava tea when you are anxious.  It can
make you drowsy so take this into consideration and don’t drive or operate
machinery, etc.  It is also helpful to do
some therapy to help retrain the thinking patterns of your brain.  This can speed your healing.
Brain Fog – for most, brain fog will decrease during the first
couple of days to weeks of the Lyme-N protocol. 
Many people notice more clarity in thinking and start experiencing a
better sense of well-being and a sense of joy over time by the end of the
protocol.  They gradually get back some
of the old desires they use to have for their hobbies, as they heal.  For some, this change in mood and clarity in
thinking can come and go but will eventually get better and better.  Don’t be upset if you do not experience this
until further down the road of healing. 
This may just mean you have more damage to heal from than the others.
Some of the brain fog may not
start clearing until starting 6 months AFTER finishing the treatment.  Broken pathways in the brain take longer to
heal.  Don’t be surprised if you
gradually feel progressively “smarter” after 6 month’s post treatment.  This will continue to improve as well.
 Tooth Pain
or Sensitivity
  If you suddenly
experience hyper sensitivity or pain in your teeth it could be a result of oral
populations of spirochetes that could have accumulate around dental work (root
canals, veneers, bridges, caps, cavities or crowns).  If this occurs refer to the oral cavity
protocol. Do this a few times and see if the sensitivity diminishes.  *Second, be sure you scheduled and had your
teeth deep cleaned in the last week or so of the protocol. 
Learning Disabilities  If
your child has struggled with a learning disability in their past, take notice
starting 6 months AFTER finishing the Lyme-N protocol.  Don’t be surprised if they all of a sudden
start doing better in school.  It takes a
while for the brain pathways to heal, so you won’t see it right away.  This improvement may continue to gradually
improve over several years.
this is another symptom that can get worse before it gets better.  Typically, in the second 30 days, you will
notice it starting to decrease.   These
symptoms may also come and go before they disappear over a year’s time.
Frequent Urination – typically we see a reduction in frequency of
urination within the first couple of weeks. 
But not always.  If your child
tends to wet the bed, this may start going away within 6 months.  Please note that if your child stops wetting
the bed and a year later starts having a few nights of wetting; then suspect
their body is fighting a current exposure. 
Don’t be alarmed, but give it a couple of months to resolve itself as
their body battles the infection on its own.
Itchy Skin with Appearing Bumps when Scratched – If the body is
over producing histamine then small red bumps can appear if the skin is
scratched because it is extra itchy. 
Consult with your Lyme-N literate doctor to verify it is ok, but the
best thing to do is to take an anti-histamine or benedryl at night before you
go to sleep if you are not allergic to it. 
It may keep the itching at bay for 24 hours.  Periodically, stop taking the anti-histamine
to test and see if you still need it. 
Within a month or two after finishing the protocol, your body will most
likely normalize and stop over producing the histamines on its own.
Hyper and Hypo Thyroid – sometimes we see thyroid issues adjust
within the first week of Lyme-N.  It can
vary widely though.  Talk with your
Lyme-N literate doctor about various time frames of testing to check your
levels.  Typically, thyroid issues
completely resolve in the first year of treatment.
Vertigo – this is another symptom that can take time to heal.  Especially if you were diagnosed with
POTS.  Typically, equilibrium can take
over a year’s time or longer depending on damage.  It also might be related to your eyesight and
ears.  So, this may take a while to sync
up with the healing.
Eyesight Sensitivity to Sunlight/Double Vision – If spirochetes
attack your optic nerve you can have sensitivity to light or double
vision.  You may find that your
sensitivity to light or need for sunglasses may decrease or go away within 6
Sensitive Hearing – If spirochetes attack any part of your inner
ear you can have sensitivity to noise or tinnitus.  You may find that your sensitivity to noise
may incrementally, gradually dissipate by 6 months or longer.  There can even be permanent damage where it
will not go away.
Ringing in Ears – Ringing in the ears does not go away for some
time.  There can even be permanent damage
where it will not go away.  Tinnitus is
frequently permanent.  It is the absence
of your ability to hear in that pitch. 
That is the part of your hearing that is no longer working.  It does not always heal.
If you do suffer from ringing
in the ears, one of things you can do which is helpful is to play background
music.  There are special cd’s you can
buy to play as you are falling asleep to help drown the ringing noise so you
can fall asleep.
Eye Floaters – Eye floaters are another symptom that can take a
year or more to heal and go away if there is no permanent damage.  Eye floaters are not treatable.  It is a waiting game.
Blepharitis –  Inflammation
of the eyelids typically goes away in 2 to 6 months.  It is caused by spirochetes in the eye area. 
Body Core Temperature Fluctuations – This is occurring if you
experience temperature fluctuations where one minute you are very hot and later
you are very cold.  Or you could have it
split where your core is hot but you have goosebumps from perspiration and you
feel cold on the outside.  This is the
body trying to take care of the hot core. 
Another symptom of this syndrome is to have high fevers or have
extremities like your hands and feet not be able to get warm.  This syndrome can be one of the last symptoms
to heal.  It can take a long time.
Menstrual Cycles– With Lyme disease or Rickettsia, it is very
common for women in childbearing years to have irregular or painful menstrual
cycles as well as lose their menstrual cycle. 
Do not take this lightly, especially if you are young.  It needs to be taken very seriously.  Thankfully, most women who do the Lyme-N
protocol will start their cycle within two to three weeks.  It is very important to have a healthy cycle.  Once it is cycling regular from Lyme-N, this
would be a good time to take a very low dose of birth control pills to keep it
regular.  Find one that agrees with you.  For health purposes, you want it to be so
regular that you can predict it reliably. 
Don’t rely on these low doses to prevent unwanted pregnancies.  (taking low dose birth control pills does not
apply to women going through menopause). 
If you have gone through menopause and have some spotting, don’t be
alarmed, this can be normal and temporary. 
This is when you would have started your cycle if you were of
childbearing age.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)– With Lyme disease, many
individuals suffer from PTSD from excessive, uncontrollable, experiences of
depression and anxiety.  From what we
have observed, PTSD can begin to decrease in intensity after the initial 60
days of the protocol.  It will continue
to come and go for the following year, eventually going.  Much of the healing occurs in the brain
starting 6 months post treatment.  The
same time frame that we start seeing improvements in learning recoveries.
Parkinson’s Disease – those with Parkinson’s disease can initially
experience more shaking when the biofilm is removed at the beginning of the
protocol.  This is due to better reception
of nerves when the insulation from the biofilm is no longer blocking it.
15) Why are some
people substantially symptomatic as they heal after nebulization?
Approximately 15% of those who
do the Lyme-N protocol continue to experience substantial or moderate symptoms
during and after nebulizing as they are healing.  This is NOT an indication of active
infection.  It is most likely from the complications of the neurological damage
caused by the spirochetes
Spirochetes drill and remove the myelin sheath of nerves and can even
drill through synaptic sites.  When these
nerve connections are broken, communication pathways throughout the body get
disrupted; even communication to organs. 
In addition, Lyme-N breaks through and removes biofilm; removing nerve
damage insulation.  All of a sudden there
is pain from exposed, damaged nerves with greater receptivity because the
biofilm blocked the connection and suppressed the feeling of pain.  This nerve damage must heal and everyone’s
extent of damage can differ depending on many, many factors as you can
imagine.  The medical community is very
aware that nerve damage is extremely complex and requires much time for
healing.  You just have to be
patient.  This was a deadly disease and
you have to remain patient and thankful that the cause is gone and now you can
We also believe that the healing period of “symptoms
cycling” is a necessary part of the immune system’s education to fight future
exposure.  Most people are not aware of
this, but a scab over a cut, for example, should never be removed.  It is during the scabbing process that the
body is learning and recording the healing cycle.  So, in the same way, it may not be advantageous
for the future fighting of these infections for us to hinder the “symptoms cycling
away”.  This is the very reason why more
Lyme-N is not recommended after the first treatment.  The body has to go through this learning
period on it’s own, without Lyme-N, no matter how hard it is for us.
The second most common reason could most likely be due to oral mouth issues.  In almost all cases, –root canals, infected
teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, mouth appliances and problems in the oral cavity
create issues where spirochetes can harbor even after nebulization. As the
immune system detects stray spirochetes to kill, it triggers symptom response
as it fights.  We do not see patients
feeling better until these are resolved. This is why we now require patients to
get their teeth deep cleaned at the end of nebulizing.  Spirochetes harbor in the mouth and in
plaque.  This plaque needs to be removed.
Additionally, we have observed
other circumstances that may cause the healing period to be more intensely
symptomatic and longer… but much research is needed.  Some of these are:
Babesia and Rickettsia seem to have a rough recovery period where
during and/or after the protocol, symptoms are initially extremely substantial
for some individuals (not all).  Symptoms
continue to cycle and diminish over a year’s time.  It can be a long, torturous recovery.
-people with the MTHFR factor seem to have a longer more
symptomatic recovery than others. 
Possibly due to their body’s reaction and sensitivities to having the
dead organisms in their body during the period of time it takes to eventually
leave the body after treatment.  You may
want to bring this to the attention of your Lyme-N literate doctor.  Taking methyl folate may help during
-people with thyroid issues may all of a sudden not
need their medication and may not feel well from a reaction to their medicine
that is no longer needed.
-being exposed by a spouse, partner or family member who was not been treated
can trigger an immune response with symptoms as the body is continually
re-exposed to new spirochetes to fight. 
This can also slow down the healing and “cycling away process” as energy
is required to battle where it could have been used to recover and heal.  Through the saliva testing research, we have
learned that in most cases the entire family has spirochetes in their
saliva.  This leads us to believe that it
is highly infectious and contagious.  All
family members should eventually be treated or one can get re-infected over
time.  Not only can you get re-infected,
you will also be substantially symptomatic as you fight off exposures.  Most families treat individual members over
time as they can afford it, but try to at least treat the married couples at
the same time.
reinfection by a tick, mosquito, any biting insect or other means of
fluid transmission
.  Or surprisingly
enough, from a lick or bite of your dog or cat. 
The army did a study and determined that dogs have Lyme…but are
carriers.  If your dog’s saliva gets in
an open wound, or is on your hand and you rub your eye, you could very likely
be re-infecting yourself.  Look for symptomology
if this has occurred.  Train your dog not
to lick as well as educate your children of the seriousness and danger of
having a co-infection or illness not eliminated by Lyme-N.  Lyme-N does not eliminate every infection a
person could possibly have.  If one
remains symptomatic and does not gradually get better, has no oral mouth
issues, is not exposed to family members who have not been treated, and was not
a chronic patient with potential damage left behind; then, there was probably
an additional infection present that Lyme-N may not have eliminated.  We do have a few patients who do not
continually recover and feel better. 
These patients have eliminated their spirochetes but it is a mystery as
to why they continue to be symptomatic. 
16) What happens if I am
re-exposed by a tick, other biting insect, or fluid transmission/exchange?

From what we have observed through saliva testing, Lyme-N enables the body to
fight ad eliminate the spirochetal infection on its own.  Because the immune system has participated in
this process, it has learned to detect and fight future exposures. 
For example, one patient got a
tick bite with an occurring bullseye approximately 8 months after finishing the
Lyme-N protocol.  He immediately started
experiencing substantial symptoms for about 2 months before the symptoms
started gradually going away.  When we
observed his saliva, there were small, baby, dead spirochetes, indicating a new
infection that did not survive.  His
immune system had been educated to detect it and fought them off.  Unfortunately, experiencing substantial
symptoms was part of the process, but he did not have to nebulize again.
Because spirochetes are present
in the saliva and body fluids, we believe it is possible to be re-exposed
merely by kissing and sharing drinks, as well as being sexually
transmitted.  We have had teenagers
experience symptoms (getting headaches and general sense of not feeling
well),  from sharing drinks or kissing a
new boyfriend/girlfriend.
Even if the immune system is
educated to fight future exposures, it is not a guarantee that one can’t become
re-infected.  If the immune system is
presented and overwhelmed with continual infections to fight (by an untreated
spouse, for example) then there is a point at which it can be over taken and
not be able to win the battle.  Not only
that, but the symptoms a person will experience can be extreme and
unpleasant.  We have had people
re-infected by spouses or partners after doing the Lyme-N protocol.  Some of the first people treated with Lyme-N
were not advised of the dangers of reinfection by a spouse and were
It is not advisable to share
drinks with anyone.  You may also want to
put your dishwasher on the “sanitize” setting to eliminate possible exposures
from dishes.  These are just common sense
suggestions and are not proven by research.
If you have gone through the
Lyme-N protocol and suddenly start experiencing symptoms, do not assume your
infection is back.  You have most likely
had an exposure that your body is fighting. 
It may take time, but the symptoms should gradually go away when it has
won the battle.  We are noticing that
after Lyme-N, the body is educated and on guard.  It is alerted to incoming infection and lets
you know via symptoms.  You are much more
sensitive and will now most likely know when you have an exposure.  It is actually a beautiful thing because your
body learned to fight it.  But beware,
you do not want to overwhelm your immune system to the exposure of an untreated
spouse or partner.  It will get overtaken
and you can get re-infected with time. 
(Plus you really won’t be feeling so well!!)  Parents, be aware when your teenagers are
dating.  Note that they may start
experiencing symptoms.  Even staying the
night at a friend’s house and sharing a drink. 
They may not feel well the next day. 
Observe.  Don’t be overly
alarmed.  Watch and take note to see how
long it takes the symptoms to diminish as the body fights.  It will vary.
If you have a dog or a cat, do
not let them lick you or your children on the face or anywhere.  You are almost guaranteed to get infected, it
is in their saliva.  Spirochetes can get
in through any opening in your body by crawling along the surface of your skin;
through your nose, eyes, mouth, ears or open wounds.
17) Why do I get some
symptoms back, off and on, after completing the treatment?

The body requires months and years of complete healing from damage that can’t
be seen after nebulizing. Recovery time depends on the extent of spirochetal
damage, how long one has had Lyme, the presence of co-infections and their
severity and the number of other medical conditions one has. The
“relapsing cycle” may continue for a time; however, by eliminating
the spirochetal population via nebulization, the cycle will be broken, enabling
the body to recover.

Post-nebulization phantom-symptoms and feelings of relapse will most likely
progressively diminish and eventually disappear (unless there is permanent
damage). Removing the causative agent (attacking spirochetes) will eventually
diminish the symptoms by eliminating the driving force of them.

18) If I am highly symptomatic now and have been for a few years or more, is
Lyme-N suitable for me?

If that is the case, then think about it before making the decision and discuss
it carefully with your Lyme-N literate doctor. 
The healing process involves the rewinding of old symptoms from years
and decades back.  You can expect to
experience them again and they will continue for a year or more as they cycle
away.  Some people may not want to
potentially get worse before getting better. 
Especially when it can take a while.

Or if you were symptomatic
years ago and were able to get it in remission, you can expect those symptoms
from years ago to show up again.  Usually
the first in are the last to go.
19) Why do I get
 The body requires extra energy to fight
off the spirochetes and infections as you are in the midst of the
treatment.  If you have fatigue; you need
to rest.
If you had adrenal fatigue from
chronic Lyme it can take 2 to 3 years for the adrenals to heal.  Be patient and rest.  It is not an indication you still have a
spirochetal population.  It is damage
left behind.

20) Why does my throat feel sore sometimes when I start nebulizing?
Lyme-N contains a natural salt that protects your lungs and is needed to
maintain a proper electrolytic balance. The raspy or slightly sore throat
feeling some people get for a short period of time can be mitigated by simply
using a throat lozenge or cough drop. The sore throat sensation is brief and
typically goes away quickly. Some individuals do not experience any throat
discomfort during nebulization.

21) Is there a better time of the day to nebulize?
Not necessarily. It is suggested that an individual select a time of day when the
nebulization can be comfortably and consistently done and so that nebulization
activities are 24 hours apart.

There is some evidence that Lyme-N nebulization may affect some individuals’
sleep patterns.   If an individual finds that nebulizing in the evening
tends to keep them up at night, they should shift and nebulize earlier in the
day. Conversely, if an individual nebulizes in the morning but feels tired long
before the day ends, they should shift and nebulize later in the day.

22) May I exercise and work
out during the nebulization period?

During the 60 day nebulization period and thereafter, light isometric and
calisthenics exercise is acceptable. 
However, your body requires energy to fight and heal so conserving
energy is what is recommended. 
If you have chronic joint pains
or issues that diminish during or after the protocol , it is best to not overly
exert or stress it for 6 months to a year so it can heal properly.
23) Is it helpful to
periodically nebulize after the initial 60 day treatment?

No. In most cases, continuing nebulization beyond 60 days is not necessary,
even though a patient experiences symptoms after nebulizing.  We believe it is a necessary and good
response for the body to experience.  It
is through this process that the immune system is getting educated and learning
the immune response for future battles. 
There are some exceptions.  Patients who have had chronic Lyme for many
years with significant damage can benefit their healing by nebulizing a second
bottle.  However, it is not
necessary.  Also, if you acquire a new
spirochetal infection via other transmission paths (certain blood or fluid
exchanges) you can be re-infected.  (If,
for example, your spouse or partner is not treated)  If so, then you would need to do the Lyme-N
protocol again.

24) Is there a risk of overdose of Lyme-N?
No. However, prolonged overdosed nebulization may result in simple process
fatigue, a possible slight sore throat and headache. Overdose by ingestion may
result in some level of indigestion and/or abdominal ache or pain.

25) Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to Lyme-N?
No. The inorganic minerals that are present in Lyme-N have not been known to
cause any allergic reaction.

26) What is the recommended standard dosage of Lyme-N?
A standard adult dose of Lyme-N is 20 drops per day, repeated daily for 60
consecutive days.

A standard dose for a child is 10 drops per day, repeated daily for 60
consecutive days. Once a child has entered puberty, an adult dose is
required.  For young children, consult
your Lyme-N literate doctor for the proper dosage.

27) Can I use Lyme-N if I am pregnant or plan to become pregnant soon?
No. Use of Lyme-N is not recommended. There is no evidence that Lyme-N has any
effect upon a pregnant women or unborn children; however, the recommendation
remains that Lyme-N use should be put off in instances of pregnancy, or within
one week of planned pregnancy.  We
recommend you do the Lyme-N protocol before becoming pregnant because there is
research evidence to support that this can be transmitted to your baby by the
mother’s fluids.

28) Can I take antibiotics, prescription drugs, or herbal supplements while

During the Lyme-N 60 day protocol, we strongly caution against taking
antibiotics or natural remedies.  Doing
so may prevent Lyme-N from being absorbed into the body. However, it is
permissible to take most pharmaceutical prescriptions for other ailments and
Lyme symptoms.  Consult your Lyme-N
literate physician specifically.

You cannot be taking Nature Throid or Armor Thyroid.  The ingredients do not agree with
Lyme-N.  Slowly taper off of the Nature
Throid or Armor Thyroid before starting Lyme-N. 
You can go on alternative thyroid medications.  If you are on other thyroid medications, it
is a good idea to have your thyroid functions tested after a week or two on
Lyme-N to see if the medication is still needed.
We suggest that you avoid all
supplements during the 60 day treatment period.  It is best for the body
to process the nebulized solution at its fullest strength, without competing
with other substances in the body.  It is also not possible to test all
supplements for compatibility with Lyme-N.  If you can live without it for
60 days, then don’t take them.  You can
resume taking supplements immediately when the Lyme-N treatment cycle is
29) Can I take vitamins or
over the counter medications while nebulizing?

Normal amounts of common vitamins are acceptable at RDA daily recommended
amounts, but not mega-doses.
If an over the counter medication
does not have oils or antibacterial/viral properties you can take it.  But, we are unable to test the hundreds of
over the counter medications to be sure.

30) Can I take CoQ-10 and Fish Oil when nebulizing?
No. Evidence at this point suggests that these won’t necessarily halt Lyme-N
activity, but they may impede Lyme-N activity, as Lyme-N is a gas and these
contain oil.

31) What actions are recommended for oral care while nebulizing?
In our research experience with Lyme-N, we have noticed that it is fairly
common for chronic Lyme patients to have ongoing oral issues such as receding
gums, bleeding gums, root canals, toothaches and infections, multiple crowns,
jaw pain, etc.  This makes complete sense
since the spirochetes are trapped and living in the oral cavity.  They come up in body fluids through the gums
and can’t go back because of the intense outward pressure on the walls of the

Individuals are asked to brush
their teeth regularly using standard grocery store baking soda during
nebulizing and weekly, for life, thereafter. Regular baking soda is preferred
over toothpastes that contain baking soda in some fractional amount. Periodic
gargling, one to two times per week, with standard over the counter 3% hydrogen
peroxide is also recommended. Be sure to soak your mouth appliances in a baking
soda/water solution.  A good, ongoing
oral hygiene suggestion is to use a waterpik flosser for cleaning between
teeth.  Add a couple drops of liquid
stevia to the water.  Research shows that
liquid stevia will kill spirochetes.  You
could also add 3 to 5 drops of liquid stevia to a shot glass of water and wish
it in your mouth for a couple of minutes, a few times a week, to clean the oral
32) If I accidently spill
Lyme-N on clothes or furniture or a carpet how can I remove it?

Clothes/Carpet:    Oxy clean Foam
Skin or eyes:         
Flush with water
Hydrogen peroxide gargle/rinse

33) Do I need to Detox while nebulizing?
No, Lyme-N is composed of inorganic minerals. 
In a gaseous state, these minerals are known to take toxins with them
when they leave the body.  Lyme-N is a
gradual kill off and the spirochete are small enough that the toxins are
removed on a daily basis.  It is not
recommended to detox.  You risk the
chance of eliminating Lyme-N from your system as you detox as well as
interfering with the education of the detoxing process the body needs to learn
by participating in it.  Even after
finishing Lyme-N, the body still has dead organisms to eliminate for months.  Be patient and let your body get educated in
this process.
Epsom salt baths and regular saunas are ok. 
Infrared saunas ARE NOT ok.

34) Is it ok to get an MRI
or radiology while nebulizing?

Yes, It is fine to get an MRI or radiology while doing the protocol.
35) I have to undergo drug testing for work.  Will anything show up I should be aware of in
my testing or bloodwork?.

No, nebulizing with Lyme-N is like taking a mineral supplement.  Nothing should appear different in drug
testing or bloodwork.
36)  What can I do to verify that
I have Lyme when the Lab tests are known to be inaccurate? 
Spirochetal populations are typically
evident in saliva (although some coinfections are not). Through, you can get an optical saliva test completed.  It is $275 and you can get the kit from the
Lyme-N literate doctors.  This is only
for those interested in partaking in the protocol and this testing is not
offered to the public. In some cases, especially if one has been on antibiotics
or natural remedies.  It can require
hours of imaging to detect spirochetes. 
MacTechImaging is involved in the ongoing research of Lyme-N and its
We are currently working with
PCR testing alongside saliva testing to gather data to be able to interpret PCR
testing accurately, post treatment, to verify elimination of the spirochetal
DNA Connections and George
Mason University offer urine tests which are 99% accurate from what we
understand.  These tests run $500.
37)  What testing should be done
after treatment to verify spirochetal population elimination?       
 The optical saliva test is the only accurate
test at this point.  You must have your
teeth cleaned at the end of the treatment before doing the post-test as
spirochetes can be in plaque and must be removed with a professional cleaning.  This is a requirement.  It is the only way to know for sure that they
are all eliminated.
We have had one known case
where the spirochetal population was not eliminated.  We gather that it may have been from a 90 day
intense protocol for a major disease this person was on and finished 10 days
prior to starting Lyme-N.  (this person
nebulized again and was successful at eliminating the spirochetes). 
You can to verify elimination
of the population about 60 days post treatment through this optical
imaging.  The saliva should be clear of
living spirochetes; however, there will most likely be a residual population of
dead or partial spirochetes. 
Periodically, we see a few stray living spirochetes if an individual has
oral appliances, root canals or other areas the spirochetes can hide from the
Lyme-N gases when nebulizing.
With further research, we are
hoping to be able to evaluate spirochetal population and coinfection
elimination through PCR testing.  The PCR
tests look for DNA levels.  After
treatment there will still be DNA present in the body as not all dead organisms
will have been eliminated 60 days after treatment.  So, these tests will be positive.  We will be evaluating the period needed and
levels declining over time to enable us to rely on these tests. 
Beware not to interpret
positive results from post treatment tests looking for DNA or antibodies as a
bad indication.  These will and should be
positive.  We have some people claiming
to have post positive tests.  After
further investigation, it has come to our attention that these positive results
were for antigens, DNA, or antibodies only. 
Not the active infection.
We will also be researching the
PCR results for various coinfections before and after treatment as we are able
to do so.  We are also interested in
learning the DNA levels that may occur with a new exposure, after the Lyme-N
treatment, during the various phases as the body fights the infection and thereafter.  This way there will be a means to interpret
new exposure through this testing and how the levels change.
All of this research is of
importance because most people assume that symptoms present during and soon
after treatment… represent current active infection.  This is not the case at all and it needs to
be measured and proven.  An example of
this being; if a person breaks an arm and has it reset, the arm would be fixed
but there is still much pain as it heals. 
It can take even a year or more for it to feel normal.  It is the same with Lyme Disease.  After treatment, there can be much unseen
neurological damage that must be healed.
Will Lyme-N kill
all of my current infections?
Lyme-N does not eliminate every
infection a person could possibly have. 
If one remains symptomatic and does not gradually get better, has no
oral mouth issues, is not exposed to family members who have not been treated,
and was not a chronic patient with potential damage left behind; then, there
was probably an additional infection present that Lyme-N may not have
eliminated.  We do have a few patients
who do not continually recover and feel better. 
These patients have eliminated their spirochetes but it is a mystery as
to why they continue to be symptomatic. 
For example, we know Lyme-N does not eliminate Hepatitis-C or cancer and
some funguses.
38) How do I go
about getting Lyme-N?
Partaking in the Lyme-N
Protocol is part of a research effort with specific pre-selected Lyme-N
literate doctors.  We are working
together to gather data documenting the viability of Lyme-N to kill spirochetes
and other infections.  In order to be a
part of this program, you need to be recommended by your Lyme-N literate
doctor.   Participants make a “non-tax-deductible” donation of $3800
($1900 for pre-adolescent children) towards this research effort, must commit
to, preselected, periodic follow-up appointments with your Lyme-N literate
doctor, complete requested documentation, get professional teeth cleaning done
at the end of the treatment, as well as to committing to particular post
testing.  If you are interested, find the
Lyme-N literate doctor closest to you and ask if he/she would consider you to
be part of this study. 

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